Today the world is on the threshold of great changes, there is a global evolution of Internet technologies, a more progressive electronic era is replacing the industrial one. Most entrepreneurs translate their offline business models into an electronic environment, e-Commerce is actively developing. All this allows you to reduce costs, increase the scalability of almost any business and its customer base. E - Commerce is the future of our planet, this network by 2021, promises to reach more than 2 billion active users throughout the world. Fiat funds are gradually moving into the background, many people have long been using exclusively plastic cards for purchases, which already today occupy about 77% of the world trade turnover, 257 billion different cards have already been issued in the history.
This is all very well, of course, progress and development, but there are also quite a few problems to solve that the functionality of the existing systems is not possible. The entire structure of e-Commerce is highly centralized and subordinated to the financial apparatus of the country in which it operates. Such centralization is not very friendly towards ordinary citizens, because you constantly have to give a certain percentage to numerous intermediaries who only do that monitor the size of your transactions, wanting to pinch off a "piece of cake". The existing financial system has many flaws, it has long been necessary to modernize, the last major innovations of the global financial ecosystem took place in the 18th century, when the gold standard was abolished and the floating exchange rate system was introduced.
All these problems prompted the developers of the AIGO project to create their own unique fully decentralized economic model of the future, the functionality of which will be built on the basis of modern blockchain technology.
AIGO is an innovative payment structure, thanks to which it will be possible to transfer electronic funds directly from the user to the user, bypassing various banks and other intermediary networks, and thus keeping intact every cent of the sender. In addition, AIGO plans to launch a serial production of special crypto-currency cards, with which people will be able to easily and easily carry out purchase and sale transactions in any store anywhere in the world for the cryptocurrency on the balance sheet.
So far, it seems a utopia, but a couple of years will pass and the world will completely switch to crypto-currency payment gateways. Today, on the way to becoming a blockchain civilization there are many problems that prevent the introduction of decentralized systems in traditional financial markets. For example, to buy something for bitcoin, you need to go first to exchange it for Fiat money, all this is very long, inconvenient and costly, AIGO solves this problem! Thanks to a specially created algorithm AIGO AI-Payment transactions can be carried out directly only between the parties to the transaction, without the involvement of third parties. Another advantage of the platform is the fact that it can be implemented in almost any ecosystem with a large number of payment networks, it is very useful to all crypto enthusiasts, because it will eliminate the need to use banking services in transactions on cryptocurrency exchanges.
AIPayment, wallet, app
To protect and make the ecosystem as convenient as possible, the AIPayment tool has been specially developed. With its help, it is possible to carry out any transactions with digital assets. In addition, the developers of AIGO tried to create their own wallet and mobile application, which can already be downloaded from AppStory.
Down payment
AI AIGO payment system provides traders with the opportunity to sell goods and services in installments. This gives users the ecosystem is truly a great opportunity. Loan companies check customer solvency to risk management, then give the required amount.
The AIGO team is not going to stop and plans to create a global payment infrastructure AIGOPay. It will be something like the well-known visa or MasterCard today, but with an improved decentralized model that will destroy all intermediaries and completely change our world, will finally return power to people, not a handful of elected people who are in the leadership of States and banks.
Based on all of the above, it is safe to say that AIGO is able to capture all world markets, creating a decentralized economy of the future, which will not have room for brazen intermediaries in the face of banks and other centralized systems. This is what people have been waiting for, complete decentralization, independence and reliability. The project has a highly qualified team of professionals, strong partners and everything necessary for the implementation of all conceived. We wish the project good luck in this difficult way of modernizing the world. For more detailed information, please follow the links below.
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ETH: 0xD344c4841ddEE38f6aD75576ee031A7Be1570ef1
The project is promising, has positive feedback.
The key to the success of this project lies in an excellent idea and a super
team of developers.
If you want to participate in a good ICO I advise this project without doubt.
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