• What's new for the second phase of the airdrop?
We have announced an additional allocation of 1% of VST tokens to be distributed to Waves accounts that contain WAVES and/or WCT tokens between 1 April and 31 May. The distribution criteria remain the same as in the first phase, based on your account’s average balance.
To participate in the second phase, you will need to log in using Waves Keeper on this page, or send 0.0001 WAVES to this address: 3PBNiHBcp8rxiYkGVGNHEGZHEamb1aXeWVv. Remember, you can proceed via Waves Keeper or transaction at any time during the second phase of the airdrop, which ends on 31 May.
Important! Users who do not follow the verification process between 1 April and 31 May will not receive an airdrop in the second phase.
• FAQ for the first phase
How many Vostok tokens (VST) in total will be distributed among WAVES and WCT holders?
30 million Vostok tokens (VST) will be airdropped.
At what time of the day will snapshots be made?
Snapshots will be made at different times on each day.
When will the second phase of Vostok's ICO begin?
At this point, the precise date has not been decided. Follow our news to stay informed on the latest developments.
I'm holding WAVES tokens on Binance/Bittrex. Are they eligible for the airdrop?
No. Tokens held on any known centralised exchanges are not eligible. Keep your tokens in your own Waves wallet to participate in the airdrop. You can download it here:
Desktop - https://wavesplatform.com/product
iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1233158971?mt=8
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wavesplatform.wallet
I'm holding 10 WAVES and 5 WCT in my Waves wallet. How many VST will I receive?
The amount will depend on the WAVES and WCT balances in your Waves wallet, averaged over 60 days from 1 February to 1 April. Assuming there are no transactions over that period, the average balance would be 10 WAVES and 5 WCT. The exact number of VST tokens airdropped to WAVES/WCT holders will depend on the total number of participants and their wallets' average balances (since an unknown number of WAVES held on exchanges will be excluded). After the airdrop, we'll publish a detailed report with all the relevant calculations.
What is the minimum balance I need in my wallet to receive the airdrop?
Your wallet must hold at least 1 WAVES or 1 WCT. Addresses with a lower balance than this will not be included in the airdrop
I have 1 WAVES. If I also buy 1 WCT, will my reward increase?
Yes. You will receive an equal number of VST for 1 WAVES and for 1 WCT. Your reward will be the same, whether your balance is 2 WAVES, 2 WCT, or 1 WAVES + 1 WCT.
To be eligible for the airdrop, do I have to hold both WAVES and WCT? Or is just one of these sufficient?
You can hold either token or both.
What is the Vostok swap? When will VST be airdropped to my wallet?
If you meet all the airdrop conditions, you will receive an asset issued on the Waves platform in the first week of April. Once Vostok’s MainNet is operational, the asset will be swapped for VST. This will likely occur in early summer 2019. The technical details for the swap process will be published later.
Will I be able to sell airdropped tokens on Waves DEX before the swap?
No. Participants will receive smart assets with scripts prohibiting their sale and other transactions.
Will the snapshot include WAVES and/or WCT tokens held in open orders or locked for leasing?
Do I have to install a desktop version of the Waves wallet to be eligible for the airdrop? Or will a mobile application be sufficient?
VST are airdropped to Waves addresses, regardless of the wallet used to access them.
How can I protect myself from phishing attacks during the airdrop period?
Do not share your seed phrase, private key or any other personal data with anyone, and don't send funds to anyone - including anyone claiming to be a Waves Platform employee. Do not enter your seed phrase on any suspicious websites. Use only Waves' official products:
All the news about our platform is available on Waves' official Twitter account:
For more details on security issues, visit
Источник https://blog.wavesplatform.com/vostok-token-airdrop-to-be-extended-1981fd5520aa
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