There are millions of publishers competing with YouTube and Facebook for views. Since most can't compete, they add a YouTube player to their site and hope for the best. The best is not much. YouTube and Facebook provide very little revenue in return for these views and hence publishers are dying like flies.
Simply building a video sharing platform is not the solution because no matter how good the platform is, who will bother moving from YouTube to watch a little content when they have a whole world of content on YouTube. Are there children under 18 watching other than YouTube? Only their favorites like Walking Dead and Game of Thrones if they can't torrent it.
What should a publisher do in the face of this monopoly?
Reward users for watching content they already like on the publisher's site. After a publisher can control his own content and appearance, his revenue and involvement increase 4x. (IAB Statistics) Safety for publishers is through valued content. But the problem with content that is valued today is that prizes are everywhere and not in one place. Some publishers value it in the newspaper, others for contests, points and digital tokens. Viewers rarely know what publishers are valued and where.
How do we solve this problem?
Verasity provides tools for publishers to pick up on YouTube and Facebook. VeraWallet is built into the video player (go to: ) and can give any type or gift as long as the standard prize is VRA . Viewers can then find all loyalty programs, points, redemptions in one place in the video player that they open every day to watch videos.
Is this solution unique?
This is a patent pending and unique and as far as we know there is no platform that provides technology and similar solutions.
How does this help VRA?
The publisher buys VRA at market prices to reward users for watching content, subscribing with discounts, and encouraging a number of actions. VRA purchases by publishers drive the economy and increase VRA user groups .
VRA Ecosystem
Payments, loyalties, and awards allow transactions between publishers, content owners, brands, advertisers, and viewers. They interact directly with each other and all transactions are supported by VRA so there is no need for intermediaries like YouTube or Facebook.
How does it work?
- Viewers watch videos and advertisements on the website using Verasity technology and are rewarded with VRA . They are also valued more by VRA because they refer to more users.
- Publishers buy VRA to reward users and build the valuable audience they produce through advertising, e-commerce or subscriptions.
- To reach and engage potential customers who watch videos, advertisers buy VRA to reward viewers who watch their advertisements. This releases the true value of each display.
- Users can bet their VRA and receive daily prizes for doing so. The VRA Staking Program provides economic incentives to hold VRA. For complete information about risking VRA , read our post here .
- Verasity is targeting various publishers and users who will implement easy conversion methods to enable users to buy and exchange their VRAs.
How does Verasity disseminate its Video Player technology to millions of publishers?
When you watch your favorite content on a website, it's possible that the content is powered by one of the 10 video player platforms that dominates video streaming. This includes Vimeo, JW Player, Brightcove, Video.js, Kaltura and others. Most of these platforms are business to business and therefore you may not have heard of them, but the biggest broadcasters in the world such as Discovery, Eurosport, Fox, Sky, BBC, Viacom, Lamborghini (yes, Lambo sites) use third-party video platforms to provide streaming video power of content that you like to watch.
With Verasity integrating its technology modules into all of these video player platforms, Verasity- valued videos will be everywhere and available to every publisher, which means billions of viewers can be valued at VRA .
The main goal of Verasity in 2019 is to bring video publishers. To facilitate this, we are developing integration with many of the industry's leading tools such as Vimeo, JW Player, Brightcove and others to enable publishers to quickly and easily start using Verasity technology and hence increase demand for VRA. By not disrupting current publisher workflows, we have made it easy for any publisher to provide viewers of VRA videos that are valued. Our unique player technology is available for 280,000 video publishers with 240 million users and 50 billion monthly views.
Examples of high profile publishers who use Verasity Technology to support sending online videos and videos that are valued, see the Asia Pop 40 press release about our partnership with them:
Verasity video players , VeraWallet , and future Verasity products will be labeled 'Powered by Verasity ' so viewers will see that the technology is Verasity . Furthermore, by awarding viewers with VRA and providing references, VRA and Verasity as names will be disseminated throughout the online video world. VRA will be synonymous with valued videos!
About Verasity is a leading video player that provides a Unique Useful Video Player Technology for major video publishers around the world. The patented Video Player enables VRA gift, monetization, and loyalty schemes in the video player wallet. Our unique player technology is available for 1.43 million video publishers with 500 million users and more than 100 billion monthly views. This returns engagement, viewers and revenue to the video publisher site from YouTube. Our attention-based model creates a VRA token economy that develops between viewers, video publishers and advertisers.
Verasity products include:
- Genesis Player:
- VeraWallet:
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