P2P ("Peer-to-peer") transactions: direct, peer-to-peer or "decentralized" transactions are carried out and maintained exclusively by the software.
P2P method helps market participants can buy and sell directly with each other without having to go through third parties to process transactions.
Current common forms of electronic money exchange are through companies, which act as intermediaries between customers and thereby earn a profit from transaction fees. In contrast, the interaction between P2P methods is coordinated directly by computer software without human intervention.
This alternative approach has many advantages compared to the conventional but besides there are many limitations. In general, P2P trading is a good example of a business decentralization philosophy.
However, P2P Methodology is not better than normal trading in every way - some of its defects are longer trading time, less intuitive and lower liquidity. To overcome these limitations, a new project has been built that is
What is
Ferrum Network, designed by a distributed system specialist with more than ten years of experience at the world's largest technology companies, was built to address two fundamental issues that hinder the application of electronic money. main: slow transaction speed and lack of interoperability between networks.
Ferrum Network is the first high-speed interactive network for real-world financial applications, with Cross-Chain Interoperability - a next-generation protocol designed to connect to every blockchain. Ferrum Network is launching a line of vertically integrated financial products on the network that empowers users to control their financial lives. These are Kudi Exchange and UniFyre
Kudi Exchange:
Allow individuals and businesses to trade seamlessly with each other with digital assets and local currency.
Kudi Exchange is designed and built to serve the African market. We understand that Africa has great opportunities as well as unique challenges in the space of electronic / digital assets. Through Kudi Exchange, we plan to help promote the application and use of digital assets across the African continent.
Instantly transact any digital assets without risk partners by using non-custodial UniFyre Wallet.
All transactions UniFyre wallet runs online network based on Network Ferrum's high-speed DAG, enabling peer transactions of any digital asset in a millisecond with network fees almost equal to is not.
The UniFyre wallet is seamlessly connected to the Infinity DEX and Sub-Zero Wallet, so users can now easily exchange, trade and store their digital assets with a single ecosystem.
You can learn more about their 2 product lines via the video below:
Information about token Ferrum Network
Ferrum is designed to allow developers to create new tokens that can be traded and exchanged in a scalable way. As explained below, Fe (BTC) or Fe (ETH) is the token that is supported by external value. In Ferrum, we introduced a new type of transaction, which we call Transaction Genesis. Trading Genesis releases a new set of tokens that are not supported by anything. Genesis trading has the following additional fields: Number of tokens and ended. Trading Genesis can be created by smart contract or normal account. The creator of the open-ended Genesis Trading can create more Genesis Transactions. The only account that can spend from Transaction Genesis is the originator, the normal account or the smart contract.
Protocols allow Ferrum Network to see on networks that are simple enough without being tied to electronic money. A digital currency fiat entity can also exploit such protocols to create Fe (EUR), Fe (AUD) or any other currency in the world. When fiat currencies are put into Ferrum network, they can be freely traded or exchanged with each other or any other digital asset.
Details token
Core Team
Ferrum Network là mạng có khả năng tương tác đầu tiên để tạo thuận lợi cho giao dịch và trao đổi liền mạch cả tiền điện tử và tiền tệ fiat, và loại bỏ các rào cản cản trở việc sử dụng tiền điện tử cho các giao dịch hàng ngày. Để thực hiện tầm nhìn này, chúng tôi đã phát triển các sản phẩm chạy trên mạng bao gồm Ví UniFyre, Infinity DEX và giao thức cổng fiat (Kudi Exchage) và sẽ triển khai các giao thức bổ sung như giao dịch có độ trễ thấp, dApps và mạng phụ.
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