Tired of spending thousands of dollars with other bulk mailers only to get shut down when you get blamed for violating their acceptable use policy (AUP) or term of services (TOS) all it takes is to hit one or two spam traps or a complaint from one internet service provider then your whole campaign is ruined your email services provider just shuts you down, you lose not only your data reports but also the money you paid them, and you will not get a penny back since on their side you were the one that violated their (AUP) or (TOS).
Unfortunate situations as for bad or old email addresses that may cause your email campaigns reputation and considered as spam.
We at Bulk Mail Cloud understand that these unfortunate situations do happen and we do work with you to make sure that not only do you get to keep your campaigns going even if you do hit a few spam traps or get a few ISP's complaining we make su
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