Skip down to HOW THIS WORKS to see how you could profit from supporting V.O.T.U.
Fundraising With DONUT's
V.O.T.U. is not just about low-budget podcasting and vlogging. We have ways of breaking down nerdy blockchain talk into laymans terms and then putting a bow on top.
We make nerds look good and with a more generous budget we have plans to do much more. With the use of our music, our personalities and our enthusiasm for this nerdy stuff, we are creating a CULTURE.
In short, V.O.T.U. aspires to reach the masses and make cryptocurrency COOL.
- This proposal is a draft for a token that has not yet been created.
- There will be another post to confirm that this is going ahead as outlined in this post.
- First we would like feedback from critical traders and potential investors.
- Advice on Permissions and Flags or any other aspects to this revenue system is welcome.
- We will be auctioning the very first token so bidding is welcome.
The content We Currently Produce
We don't vlog like the normal every day person, we vlog like we want to. We give the best worst advice that you've ever heard. From life to crypto, it doesn't matter because it does matter and we will tell you why!
Music/Digital Media
We like to pride ourselves on doing things that most people can't, eating peanut butter banana sandwiches and producing top notch music and digital media. Ranging from background music of any kind to commercials advertising , we got you covered from voice overs to art.
Podcasts/Brand Reps
We can advertise and showcase almost anything, damn near anything and have already. Ranging from Bitshares to the everyday minnow, but the bottom line is we make everything look good. And everybody loves good until it becomes great.
Unique Brand Advertising Through Digital Media
We love throwing our unique touch onto anything and everything we can. Most people will say that we're an awkward bunch and that is very true......but, awkward wins the race! ( we think ). We don't do things the jo schmo way and that makes for better BRAND RECOGNITION. If you want something noticed then let us touch it...( creepy grin ).
What you are investing in
By buying and holding DONUTS you will be investing in us as a Brand and Culture for the crypto space. We are on an intergalactic mission to make being a crypto nerd cool ( er ).
The way we do that is by putting our Music, Video, and Entertaining content into the digital oven and making the whole world taste it. We'd like to think we are Digital Media Chefs, providing digestible content for ALL content consumers, not just you nerds. We prepare ORIGINIAL content and then spend the proper TIME and LOVE cooking that content until it reaches a nice social media simmer.
Clothes with catchy slogans, music with hypnotising melodies and media partnered with weirdo vibes. That describes us best to some. To the rest we are a growing business dedicated to bringing: UNCENSORED entertainment, INDEPENDENT Fashion and DIGESTIBLE Expression of the average crypto nerd to the outside world.
We aim to bring those who don't know anything about crypto into the know by bridging the gap between hard to understand blockchain lingo and easy to digest media.
We have an extensive library of content we have produced already ranging from podcasts to music albums to animated shorts to video vlog gold. Check out! We also made a couple games (no biggie). We have risen in the ranks and not only earned a small cult following but even began to rake in more revenue.
That's where you come in!
Now that we have gained support from you wonderful steemy curators (shout out to @thejohalfiles, @fuzzyvest, @glitterfart, @onceuponatime, @htooms, @trafalgar, @pharesim, @nanzo-scoop, @freeyourmind, @someonewhoisme, @fyrstikken, @steemaccess, @riverhead, @wackou, @thecryptofiend, @snowflake, @steempower, @ausbitbank, @xeroc, @cryptoctopus, @engagement) we feel we are in a position to give something back!
"We always give back, no matter how low the price and especially when it's high."
We have been known to give back to our pirates (listeners) in the best ways, even giving STEEM and SBD through events and giveaways. We offered VOTU jobs for people to earn steem and SBD and pushed promotional to keep the community engaged when the glass was looking pretty empty.
"Betting on us is the right risk"
We are launching a token that will be a revenue system not just for V.O.T.U. but also for those invested in V.O.T.U.
How this works
We will set aside a portion of the tokens to be exchanged not just for other cryptocurrencies, but also for jobs. Remember, DONUT's will taste much better if V.O.T.U. can reach a wider audience with what they've learned from the crypto community. By setting aside a portion of the assets for promotional prices, we leave lots of room for our investors to profit from our token.
HOW ?!
We will pay a portion of what we earn from #votu payouts into buying back our donuts.
"we don't just think about ourselves, we think about the people"
V.O.T.U. posts will sign off with the % of rewards that will be spent on purchasing our tokens back at the market price.
Once a month we will do a crowd fund selling no more than 1000 tokens. With our #votu post rewards a percentage of $$ generated will be used to liquidate the market and buy back our tokens at market price.
We will only put a certain amount of tokens out into circulation at any one time.
As much as we like PUMP 'n' DUMP's, we can assure you that there will be a limited supply of tokens in circulation. By selling no more than 1000 tokens in any given month, and offering promotional prices ONLY for the first 200 each month, we widen the window of opportunity for our investors to sell at a profit.
Disclaimer: V.O.T.U. cannot be held responsible for the prices determined by the markets.
We hope to bring value to the token by using the funds to create alluring content that will attract the masses to the world of cryptocurrency.
The more successful V.O.T.U. is the more successful the V.O.T.U. token will be. We will be accepting the V.O.T.U. token in exchange for advertising space as well as other goods and services which will naturally become more expensive as V.O.T.U. rises and establishes itself as the bridge between nerds and the real world.
Extras You Could Buy
- Advertisement space
- Commercials
- Interviews
- Merchandise
- Music
- Exclusive Content
- Personalised Digital Media such as intros with music
Ways to Earn
- Resteems !! ( so easy ) The more followers the better
- Sharing #votu content on external websites such as Facebook or Twitter.
- Creating #votu appreciation content such as music reviews
- Entering/winning @votu contests
While these are ways you could earn DONUT's, it is at the discretion of V.O.T.U. what, who and how much is rewarded.
- We distribute no more than 1000 tokens per month.
- We offer the first 200 at promotional prices / for payment of promoting V.O.T.U.
- We set a price for the other 800 when we announce the promotion
- When we post, we sign what % of the post will go towards buying back our donuts
Buying Donuts
The yummy assets are not yet available to purchase. This post is mainly to recieve feedback from potential investors or anybody with experience weighing up the profitablitity of these revenue models. Before we announce the release and the promotions we will be starting with, we would like to offer the very first token to the highest bidder. The promotional prices we set will be determined by the highest bidder ( Don't be too shy to bid low just to start us off ) and our fundraising price (after the first 200) will be announced when we announce the promotion.

Sounds awesome. You know I love supporting VOTU.
What will the starting price be for a token?
How many total tokens can be produced?