This agate heart expresses how I feel about my crystal collection. Snuffles seems to like my collection too! I adore geodes, for the ordinary way they look on the outside, concealing the stunning treasure within.
This is how this beautiful blue lace agate would look in the field!
This last piece is a wind chime made from agate slices. I have a weird story about it. I actually bought it from a client about 3 years ago and never took it out of it's box. She told me it was sensitive to sunlight, and could fade. I saw it in the drawer quite often as it was in my online auction storeroom, but was never really moved to take it out, which is strange considering how much I like crystals. While I was cleaning my collection, my daughter kept trying to steal some of my pieces. (Yes, I know, the temerity!!!) I remembered this piece and gave it to her. We are aware we need to cleanse our crystals and she tried running water and the sun, but it still didn't feel right to her. I left it in my room that evening. The next morning she told me it was all she could do to prevent herself coming into my room and smashing it to bits as negative things swirled around her room and tormented her all night. I didn't feel anything for it, except an unusual apathy, so I took it to the shop to sell. Hopefully someone like me buys it. My daughter is extremely sensitive to the paranormal.
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