I sell collectibles online, as most of you know. I blog regularly about my auction finds and am fortunate to have all sorts of objects pass through my hands, both fascinating and beautiful. I am happy to enjoy them briefly as they pass on to their next home. But there is one thing I absolutely love - crystals.
Over the years I have picked up many assorted crystals. I've bought some, been given some, and of course found very many at auctions. I believe crystals can be good for you, even if it were solely due to their beauty. There is more to it, I've read stuff about vibrational frequencies, healing powers and chakra balancing. And I know I need them around me. I'm not going to go into that, I am simply going to share the my passion for these gorgeous gifts of the earth. I do not have a geological knowledge section in my brain, so have fun identifying those I can't!!!
This large amethyst is one of my favourite pieces.
I am not a gold and diamonds girl. Silver and crystals make me happy. Oh, and I am aware amber is not strictly a crystal.
Today I was inspired to spring (well autumn, as I am from the southern hemisphere) clean my collection. I never know when such inspiration will strike me, so I acted quickly. I tipped the whole lot into a soapy bath. Then I decided on a photo shoot. I soon realised quite how many I had. Anyway after much sunstroke (how is it so freaking hot in late autumn?!) and backache, here are the first of the photos. I hope you enjoyed them.
Thank you for viewing! Please follow me @onetree
If you liked this post, it is only the first in a series.
@onetree! cool photo, cool crystals!
Thank you!!!!