Blockchain is a technology that our world has learned about thanks to another innovative invention, it is based on and operates the system of electronic Finance, in particular Bitcoin and its analogues.Bitcoin gained wide popularity in the winter of 2018, when the quotes of this coin increased daily, dragging in pursuit of easy money crowds of followers. Popularity and popular love was caused exclusively by speculative interest, but all this served as a good advertisement and the Blockchain technology itself. Now digital assets are gradually moving into the background and it is the Blockchain technology itself, as well as the possibilities of its practical application in real life, that begin to interest the world's largest corporations and even entire States.
But there are a number of constraints hindering the development of the entire infrastructure. Most startups in the pursuit of the championship and in the conditions of fierce competition create separate products, which in their opinion should be accepted by the whole world, not realizing or not wanting to realize the fact that "pulling the blanket" can be engaged for decades, and not being able to eventually create something really global. But if they combined their efforts, thinking about the large-scale compatibility of all decentralized networks into a single ecosystem on our planet, I think that the world would already live by the decentralized rules of the new world order, in which there would be no place for the existing enslaving dominant systems today. In this review, we consider a project that can become a link between competing projects, and between the world of traditional Finance and digital assets.
Ferrum Network is an innovative decentralized network, the main purpose of which is to solve the problems of interaction and scalability of various blockchains.
The objectives of the project are noble, according to the Director General of Ferrum Network Nayem Yeganeh, who everything else is also a doctor of philosophy, the main factor in its creation was the desire to help people in need to get reliable financial instruments and reliable currency that could replace the poor paper funds and protect them from unpredictable fluctuations in the rates of Fiat and digital currencies, giving the world one of the most stable coins on Earth and opening up easy access to virtually a digital dollar to any inhabitant of the planet, regardless of its social status and location.
Ferrum Network is a high-tech company that has given the world a new generation of fully decentralized financial applications with cross-chain algorithms. The company has been operating for about a year, for Ferrum Network is a very experienced team, it employs leading engineers of the world famous corporations Amazon, Microsoft and Bloomberg. One of the main advantages of the company is the ability to exchange any digital assets in milliseconds, with virtually no commissions and without taking the assets of the participants of the ecosystem, that is, complete decentralization.
Simply put, Ferrum Network is a decentralized market, significantly surpassing currently existing analogues. It will support absolutely all types of blockchain, complete decentralization, while it will not be devoid of the functional features of conventional centralized exchanges, that is, it will also be possible to trade with the shoulder, it will also be possible to open short and long positions, as well as other usual for traders chips, previously not available on decentralized exchanges. It is like a successful symbiosis, which has the advantages of both ecosystems, mutually complementing each other. This has not seen the world before, as it is technically very difficult to perform, but not for the developers of Ferrum Network.
Ferrum Network Products:
- decentralized market with the unique capability of supporting various blockchains;
- decentralized wallet;
- cold wallet for cryptocurrency storage, something like a symbiosis of cold wallet with an increased level of security;
- the floodgates of Fiat assets.
Decentralized exchange
The name of the exchange Kudi Exchange, it is already fully launched and functioning, you can trade on it absolutely any of the existing digital assets, regardless of the type and type of blockchain. In addition, the exchange can send Fiat funds without any fees.
Decentralized wallet
Secure multi-currency wallet to store UniFyre digital assets on your mobile app. It has an intuitive user interface, perfect for both beginners and experienced crypto enthusiasts. UniFyre Wallet is Packed with a truly unique functionality, it is possible to carry out transactions outside the exchanges without any risks, there is a built-in security function and protection from transactions made by mistake.
Cold wallet
Sub-Zero Wallet is an innovative solution of Ferrum Network developers who created a symbiosis of a hardware wallet with a stock wallet. It has the maximum degree of protection against all possible methods of hacking, no access to the Internet, interacts with a decentralized wallet using a QR code.
Technical feature
In order for transactions on the exchange to fly at the speed of light and were almost zero, the DAG Ledger mechanism was added to the functionality of the platform.
The platform has Fiat gateways from Ripple. Simply put, the exchange can carry out transactions in currency pairs (XRP/Fiat). This is very convenient, now you can buy and sell digital assets for cash, while remaining on a decentralized platform.
The platform has an internal ecosystem token — FRM, through which ecosystem users are able to make transactions in the shortest possible time and with minimal costs. In addition, frm tokens can be converted into Fiat funds.
Ferrum Network is a unique project developed by experts with more than 10 years of experience in distributed systems in the most advanced technology corporations in the world. The project solves the basic fundamental problems of all blockchain ecosystems, that is, the demand for products is guaranteed. Ferrum Network is a global project with truly ambitious goals, which is able to raise the entire Blockchain industry to a qualitatively new level, making digital assets an easy and affordable means of exchange for every inhabitant of the planet. Ferrum Network is another brick in building a new decentralized world in which digital money can finally compete with centralized Fiat funds, which will eventually lead to universal adoption and legalization at the state level in all countries of the world as the most progressive means of payment. In General, the project is very interesting, for more detailed information you can follow the links below.
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The platform has created and optimized an interesting solution for users.
Interesting review, thanks
I see a lot of positive in the dynamics of the development of the crypto market, namely, the capitalization of companies and the entire industry, this indicates the interest of investors.
@rustamo, Поздравляю!
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Great review! I've been following this project for a long time, it seemed to me promising.
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