One of the main challenges for countries and economies around the world today is to ensure sustainable growth and development. An important factor in this development is the growing need to strengthen the link between the labour market and education. The labour markets need qualified specialists with the necessary level of education and training, which is based on the actual needs of employers in the competencies.
I live in Russia and we are constantly on the job there is such a dilemma: what is required experienced workers with good qualifications, and where it can be all the students who have just finished studying?! Few educational institutions in our country have contracts with enterprises to immediately find jobs for their graduates, so they have to look for other options that do not correspond to their specialization.
Yes, I understand that many people are required to confirm their high qualifications, but there are problems in the form of fraudulent documents from the employee and thus, until the time is spent on figuring this out, the production will suffer. We need to have such forms of organizations that will confirm all the data of an employee, a specialist or a student, without any help from relatives(such as uncle helps to get settled), which will greatly help to find and receive the best personnel that increase the power of the economy and production.
And I'm glad I found a project that took on the responsibility to solve this problem - SPRINGROLE!
It creates a decentralized platform-a network that determines the professional skills of a person with the help of educational institutions in which they have learned, from the places of previous work, with advanced training. All these data are securely recorded on the blockchain and employers, HR departments will be sure that a person has a proven resume and skills from several organizations.
This idea has many advantages:
-will not need recruitment companies, which sometimes also do not give the desired results;
-quick search and hiring the right employee;
-excluded bribes and family ties at admission;
-many in demand and really highly qualified specialists will find a job;
-interaction on the platform excludes intermediaries in the form of banking and electronic payment systems;
-new impetus and progress in employment.
Now the question of search and realization of the person is acute, many my acquaintances now just sit without work and are practically ready to go to any place if only to feed the family, and at someone the credits, the mortgage. Therefore, I am happy to share with them information about this project, the main thing is that it grows faster and on a global scale.
To begin with, you will need to register on the platform, enter your data on jobs, education, which will be checked by interested organizations or people, educational institutions. And for such cooperation, participants receive SPRING tokens.
There is already a beta version of the product(in it you can get 100 tokens for free) and several clients-companies that you can see in the picture below:
I believe that this is a very promising idea, which is doomed to success and will help not only in this industry to improve the accuracy of the information created and transmitted, but throughout the world as a whole.
More information you can find on these links:
Telegram group:
Bitcointalk thread:
My bitcointalk profile:;u=1184171
It is not surprising that many are willing to settle now for any work, something you want to eat
@aivaryamaltdinov, Поздравляю!
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Yes, with job search now things aren't so good, I hope the project will be able to fix it
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Agree, and I have many friends sit without work: need either ties or money, to settle. This is of course absurd
I believe only in the success of this project!
Finally, many people will be able to easily find a job to their liking
The platform will raise the level of education and production to new heights
Studied and the links, I've heard that about 50% of the people provide inaccurate information when applying for a job, and this is a big waste of time