Размещение бесплатное, как и раньше, обсудили с ними варианты платных опций.
Вот что они предложили:
Below is our updated promotion and pricing list:
- Direct email campaign to our list of 3200+ Registered ICO Investors ($2.5k)
- Featured listing on the ICO Alert website for 2 weeks ($2.5k)
- The ability to "sponsor" the distribution of your ICO Alert Report and have it distributed to our 3200+ investors and 75,000+ unique users for free. Note that this does not allow you to change the content of the report. ($2.5k)
If you purchase all three of these promotions, the total cost comes down to just $6k. In addition to the above, we also offer a premium promotion option:
- Featured website banner takeover for 5 days ($10k — see attached screenshot for details)
If you purchase the entire package, the total cost comes down to just $15k. We accept payment in BTC or ETH.
Долго думали, пришли к выводу, что надо брать первые три опции пакетом за 6К, с featured размещением за 10 дней до старта ICO и 4 дня после старта.
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