One of the most informative aspects of network technology that utilizes on the internet is social media. There are various social media like Facebook, telegrams, disputes etc. That has made life extraordinary. This social media makes a messaging application that can be used to call, send and receive messages from one user to another, and also pictures and videos are all included.
Although apart from this social media innovation, there are still challenges such as the security and privacy of user accounts. The social media that we have today are mostly centralized, i.e. they are controlled by one organization.
From a recent search conducted by students in North America, there have been a series of cyber social media attacks and this number continues to increase because social messenger applications are all centralized.
Facebook has been attacked lately, where user profiles are collected without the owner's concept, and also most of this social media sells user privacy to third-party agents or marketing companies and sends unsolicited messages to users of the platform. New this year 2019 telegram will also be an attack on the denier of service (DDOS). Which disrupts the activity of many users for the day.

NESTREE is a new and an advanced reward based community messenger which intends to reward its user through advertisement in the platform, creation of content , invitation of friends and lot more activities performed in the platform. The users tends to earn reward for publishing content in the platform. Centralized Community Messenger platform have been known to have enslave the content creators and advertisers over the time but now I believed the slavery is over now with the launch of NESTREE platform which is ready to award users and writers for their activities in the platform.
Users of NESTREE platform can also earn by referring their friends and relative to the platform and the messaging apps. This is another way for users to earn money and benefit from the platform because hardly you could see any Community messaging and chatting platform that reward users for referring their friends into the platform.
Another beneficial way users of NESTREE can earn is through the ads and promotional adverts. NESTREE platform is designed in such a way that members can earn from watching an ads and adverts in the community messenger app. To ensure transparency and fairness, NESTREE platform has allocated a particular reward to be earned from each and every ads available in the platform all its left to users is just to select whichever they preferred.
NESTREE app is also designed with an inbuilt wallet which means users can easily store their earned reward and other crypto-currency in the wallet. Tokens such as EGG, BITCOIN, ETHEREUM, MAKER and BNB can be stored in the NESTREEE wallet. The brand new generation COMMUNITY MESSAGING apps (NESTREE) is also integrating crypto-currency wallets into its platform. This permits users to ship and obtain cash, just like messages, most effective freely or with minimal transaction and processing fees.
Users of NESTREE platform can also trade and exchange their tokens within themselves without actually going to an external crypto-currency exchange. All these can be done by following simple steps in the platform.

EGG will be used by NESTREE platform to reward its users for promotions, ads and content creation in the platform. Details of the Token Below
Token Symbol => EGG
Token Type => ERC20
Token Price => $0.01
Total Supply => 3,000,000,000
20% Allocated to Token Sale
20% Allocated to Ecosystem
15% Allocated to Business Development
17% Allocated to Marketing
10% Allocated to Team and Founder
10% Allocated to Reserve
5% Allocated to Legal and Compliance
3% Allocated to Advisors

To learn more about NESTREE check the links below
Website =>
Telegram =>
Telegram =>
Twitter =>
Reddit =>
Facebook =>
Nestree Chat Room =>
Linkedln =>
Medium =>
Bitcointalk :;u=2540724
Bitcointalk username : Muhammad rowi
Erc20 : 0x38f053c28d0b5bfbcc8d837b76116c3346de350b
Egg walet : 0x7cFe47A0848194D6448E964730411EE5c827Ace7
Telegram : @Muh09