These are a few photos that I took outside of my house with my trusty Canon 7D and 85mm lens. Although initially I was just trying to take some cool photos, there is a bit of a funny story behind them.
About an hour before taking them, I heard a ton of commotion outside, so I cam running to see what the heck was going on. I found this poor little frog, paralyzed with fear under the slobbering mouth of my Cocker Spaniel, Harvey. In case you've not seen him before, this is the guy:
Seems innocent enough, right? Well, ol' Harvey was picking up the frog over and over again in his mouth, then dropping it in disgust. Then he would bark at it profusely. I quickly picked up the frog and put in on top of the hose rack, where you see it in the photos.
I was concerned about Harvey because he quickly started to foam at the mouth. It seems that these frogs produce a hallucinogenic compound on their skin and Harvey was tripping balls. I quickly brought him in the house and called the vet. After describing the frog, they told me to put him in the shower and run water through his mouth and wash it out.
After a few minutes, he was back to his normal self, and the vet said that he should be fine.
Not 10 minutes later, I hear him out there barking at full force again! I quickly ran outside, and there was the poor little frog, just out of Harvey's reach, but he was really trying to get at him.
This is the same dog that just a year prior was sprayed full force in the face by a skunk. After hours of cleaning him up, as soon as we released him, he ran directly back out to look for the skunk. I sure do love that little dog, but he sure is not have all of his screws fully tightened.
And lastly, there his is on a midnight hunt looking for lizards to attack. Thank God the lizards don't have any toxic excretions! He is forever running around with a lizard in his mouth.
Don't worry little buddy. You are safe for now!
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