What is Plentix?Plentix is a blockchain-based project that aims to balance the referral economy and spread awards to all participants. Merchants, users, friends, even app developers may receive an award in the form of a discount or a Plentix token. The choice to propose ICO instead of traditional seeds and A series funds through venture capital allows community participation and the opportunity for everyone to reap the benefits of a global referral economy.
Decentralized And Automated.A decentralized, distributed Blockchain system — provides businesses and developers with a structure to allow the platform to remain free while, at the same time, allowing a vast number of developers to build on it. Smart contracts automation — allows programmers to easily plug and play with supported software, enabling reduced cost with effortless scaling capabilities and automation. Using decentralized, distributed infrastructure, Plentix provides programmers and businesses with open-source set of APIs and features.Innovative Architecture.Businesses will have a wide range of integration options — allowing them to seamlessly plug into their CRM systems or POS systems. While Plentix’s platform empowers developers to write their modules, Plentix application will allow programmers to write a module which will integrate with Plentix application and transfers the programming GAS fee to them when a business using their software module has a transaction. In spite of several players in collaboration backstage of Plentix application, users only see one front-end interface and only need to sign-up to Plentix application.Flexible Reward Options.There are many possible ways for referring your network to gain rewards. The referrer may get a 10% reward in tokens for every referral that makes a purchase or even get commission for first three purchases; it is up to the business to choose. The reward may be in Plentix tokens. Rewards may be monetized for up to four purchases by the referee client. Reward options may vary from business to business, and include tokens, discounts or a mix of both.Access To Tokenized Referral.Every time businesses and customers connect, every recommendation for a friend, the Plentix token stores and transfers value. As Plentix is a network platform with an underlying token that is an asset in the crypto economy, everyone wins: the platform’s success is intimately connected to the success of its users, the growth of its token and the value of the ecosystem powered up by the Plentix platform. (#4Win)
1.You can refer a friend using the easy-to-use Plentix interface. Plentix offers the capability to refer users who are not members of the platform by routing the invitation through social media, email or SMS — giving all users an easy, straight-forward way to interact.2. The referee will receive a discount code with which they can purchase from the specific business they were referred to. The amount of discount and number of times the referee can use it depends on the schema every business set on their business admin panel.3. The referred person can then use the discount code to purchase a product or service. The discount code might only be active for a period of time which depends on the schema that specific business set for the referrals, they have this flexibility to change it anytime needed.4. The referrer will receive a digital token or discount code reward, depending on the business’s referral schema, however, the referrer will only receive the commission if the referee uses their discount code and purchases from the business.
Sebuah rekomendasi yang benar dan bermanfaat kepada teman dan orang tentang produk dan layanan adalah tujuan utama platform ini. PTN Tokens dibuat untuk layanan pembayaran dan pertukaran nilai pada platform. Pengembang dan pemasar dapat berkolaborasi dalam platform untuk membuat aplikasi desentralisasi tertentu untuk tujuan tertentu.
Bergabunglah dengan daftar putih untuk mendapatkan token. Tim Plentix Token Sale adalah klien pertama platform kami. Kami menjalankan program rujukan pada platform desentralisasi Plentix untuk Pre-ICO dan Token Sale kami, merujuk teman dan menerima token Plentix
Untuk lebih lanjutnya kalian bisa membuka websitenya lalu bacalah selagi punya waktu kosong, dibawah ini:
WEBSITE : http://plentix.io/
TOKEN SALE : http://plentix.io/#tokensale
WHITEPAPER : http://plentix.io/assets/download/PLENTIX_WHITEPAPE
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/joinchat/BDJxjxEf3BUMKQLa3pIAHA
Bitcointalk profil : Enoootik