The Apple Worldwide Developer’s Conference, which kicked off Monday, was one of those “in-between events” — the kind without a new iPhone. But the Apple product that most of us truly rely on — iOS — did receive a handful of updates. While there was nothing life-changing about the upcoming iOS 11 (which will hit iPhones and iPads this fall), the features are still worth mentioning … if even just to let you know that whenever you get around to updating your iPhone in a few months (or longer), these new tricks will be packed somewhere in there.
Siri Translation
McHugh: Real-time translation has always been one of the most highly sought-after Siri use cases. The smartphone, in many ways, has transformed international travel, but having the ability to translate to a handful of languages in the moment is a game-changer.
Storage Savers
McHugh: The biggest complaint that many of us have about the iPhone (or our smartphones in general) is the constant search for more storage space. (Who among us has not desperately deleted a handful of old screenshots or podcast episodes so that we can regain use of the camera?) Apple has a few updates that should help free up some storage with iOS 11: Messages and iCloud syncing will help save space, as will a couple of photo and video capture improvements that will compress image size without losing (significant) quality.
Redesigned Control Center
Bereznak: I always welcome updates to the control center, otherwise known as that set of frosted rectangular boxes that appear when you swipe up on your iPhone. Without this quickly accessible shortcut to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and airplane mode, we’d be spending an unnecessary amount of time swiping through our phones for the Settings app.
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