Мы все время слышим про успешные ICO... EOS, SONM, Polibius, и т.д.. Но сколько на самом деле они собрали? А это больше чем у того проекта, как его там..? А вроде и эти много собрали, щас погуглю сколько там у них...
Мы решили покопаться и сопоставить 20 проектов, который собрали больше всего денег во время ICO. Чтобы было к чему стремиться, чтобы понимать,какие идеи привлекают людей больше всего...
И так представляем вашему вниманию диаграмму 20 крупнейших ICO: (сумма в $)
Как видим, EOS собрал наибольшее количество денег. Примерно столько, сколько 10 последних все вместе взятые!
В любом случае, не все слышали обо всех этих проектах, поэтому мы также подготовили таблицу с подробным описанием (переводчики у нас разленились, поэтому таблица на англ).
Project | Amount raised | Campaign end date | Notes |
EOS | 323 953 787 | 07.08.2017 (current ico) | EOS is a blockchain platform that provides infrastructure for Decentralized Applications. It increase the speed of transactions to allow growth of users activity. Also, there is a solution of other blochain's problems such as huge fees, language that isn't able to give an opportunity for easy upgrades and bug recovery. |
Tezos | 230 396 559 | 14.07.17 | Tezos is a decentralized blockchain that governs itself by the Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism, it uses a technique which mathematically proves the correctness of the code governing transactions and amplifis the security of the most sensitive or financially weighted smart contracts by appling OCaml language. |
Bancor protocol | 152 000 000 | 12.06.17 | The Bancor protocol is a standard that allows anyone to easily create completely liquid ?smart tokens? that calculate their own prices & enable a single party to convert any token to another, without requiring a second party to exchange with. Smart tokens hold other tokens in reserve, so the Bancor network token forms a monetary structure where increased demand for any of the network?s smart tokens drives up the value of the common BNT, benefiting all other smart tokens holding it in reserve. |
The DAO | 150 000 000 | 28.05.16 | Decentralized Autonomous Organization was built on the Ethereum blockchain, that stored and transmitted Ether and Ethereum-based assets. It presents a venture capital fond that is directed by investors. |
Status | 103 000 000 | 21.06.17 | Status is a socio-economic network in a form as an open source messaging platform and mobile browser that allow users to interact with decentralized applications that run on the Ethereum Network. |
TenX | 80 000 000 | 24.06.17 | TenX let any blockchain asset be spendable anytime and anywhere. They offer a debit card system as one of their frontend solutions to customers and combine that with an open-source backend called COMIT that allows TenX to connect any blockchain through hashed timelock contracts (HTLCs). TenX raised 100,000 ETH in a presale and another 145,000 ETH equivalent during their tokensale on June 24th 2017. |
MobileGo | 53 069 235 | 24.05.17 | MobileGo is a gaming platform that solve the problems of game developers and give bonuses to gamers who hold tokens. It provides cheaper services and faster pay-ots and game settings on the platform for developers. Bonuses include the ability for gamer vs. gamer decentralized match play, free participation at VIP tournaments with real cash prizes, discounts to purchase in-game content and other. |
SONM | 42 000 000 | 17.06.17 | Decentralized worldwide fog supercomputer for general purpose computing from site hosting to scientific calculations. Every miner can leverage his compyter power and become the part of SONM network. |
Basic Attention Token | 35 000 000 | 31.05.17 | Basic Attention Token is a token on the Brave browser. BAT allows marketers to sell and publishers to buy ads without exposing users to constant tracking. Targeting is handled by the browser. The user gets paid a small amount for viewing ads. The initial coin offering sold out in under 30 seconds. |
Polybius | 31 645 088 | 30.06.17 | Polybius Bank is a project aimed to create the world's first fully digital bank (EU-regulated). Polybius includes modern bank technologies, opportunities of IoT, BigData, blockchain |
Aragon | 24 750 000 | 17.05.17 | Aragon is a management platform for decentralized organizations. Aragon implements organizational features such as governance, fundraising, payroll and accounting. The Aragon Network will provide organizations subscribed to it with services such as a decentralized arbitration system or a code upgradeability mechanism. The token sale closed in about 15 minutes, peaking at a rate of $122,000 per second. |
AEternity | 22 710 553 | 09.06.17 | AEternity is a new type of open-source, public, Blockchain-based distributed computing platform that innovates and expands upon existing platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum.˙Real-world data can interface with smart contracts through decentralized oracles. Scalability, transparent management, turing-complete state channels set ?ternity apart from all other Blockchain 2.0 projects. Contribution was divided into two phases and closed by 9 June 2017. Total amount raised in Phase 1 + Phase 2 is over $62.5 millions (at Eth and BTC valuation on 9 June 2017). |
openANX | 18 756 937 | 04.07.17 | ANX is decentralized exchange platform that increases liquidity, reduces credit risk and maximizes consumer protection.. It is fully open sourced, transparently governed, and kickstarted by ANX's technology. |
Ethereum | 18 439 086 | 02.09.14 | Ethereum is a public blockchain-based distributed computing platform, featuring smart contract functionality and a cryptocurrency, Ether. |
Cosmos | 17 000 000 | 06.04.17 | Cosmos is a network and a framework for interoperability between blockchains. you can plug any blockchain system into the Cosmos hub and pass tokens back and forth between those zones, without the need for an intermediary. |
TokenCard | 16 516 286 | 03.05.17 | TokenCard is a depositless Ethereum-based mobile banking platform that aims to integrate the Ethereum Economy into the daily life of consumers globally. |
Waves platform | 16 436 095 | 31.05.16 | Waves is a non-permissioned, non-privatized blockchain that intends to deal with banks national currencies. It raised 2 million in 24 hours and has a partnership with the Mycelium wallet. It raised 29,636 bitcoins. |
Qtum | 15 664 829 | 21.03.17 | Qtum is a hybrid blockchain platform that runs the EVM on bitcoins core allowing smart contracts to exist in a mobile environment. Qtum Raised $15,664,829.30 in a crowd sale campaign that sold out in 5 days. The campaign started March 16, 2017 and ended in 117 hours when it was sold out March 21, 2017. |
Cofound.it | 14 700 000 | 07.06.17 | A distributed VC ecosystem. Cofound.it is a distributed global platform that connects exceptional startups, experts and investors worldwide. It will first be built by the blockchain community for the blockchain community ? and then for the whole world. |
Gnosis | 12 500 000 | 24.04.17 | Gnosis is a decentralized platform for prediction markets that uses ?crowdsourced wisdom? sourced globally and built on Ethereum technology. |
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