Hello, dear readers! At the very beginning of my article I would like to tell you how Bounty appeared or what they are for. This is certainly more intended for beginners, but do not rush to leave, because a little later I will tell you about a wonderful project like Bountyhunters.io, it will be very interesting and informative.
Let's start with what ICO is.
Most likely, every person has a friend or buddy, maybe you yourself, who invested their money in various start-ups. This is when an ordinary person comes up with a brilliant idea for an application or his own invention, but the problem is that this person does not have enough money to run the project. To collect the entire amount, he may not have enough of his life and his brilliant idea will die in it.
In order to still launch his offspring, he needs to present his project to the public, who are interested in promoting such ideas. If your project interests them, they give you the means to run the project.
The principle of the ICO is very similar, the only difference between them is that ICO releases its tokens, which they offer to buy to ordinary users. Many people buy tokens not to support the project, either, but they plan to make good money on this, only a small part believes in the project with all his heart. In order to attract people it's not enough just to have a good idea, but you need to create the excitement around the project as much as possible, so that everyone talks about your project. Just for such purposes, Bounty companies are made.
What is Bounty company.
I think that many have already understood what Bounty is for, but I'll tell you briefly. Bounty company is a percentage of tokens that ICO is willing to pay people for spreading information about the project to create a buzz around the project and attract as many investors as possible. You will not believe, but can not you earn yourself a living and call them bounty hunters.
There are a lot of ways how to spread information about the project and now I will tell a little about them:
- Translation. One of the most difficult ways, but also the corresponding highest pay. It will be necessary to translate the technical document into different languages. Of course, the competition here is very high, first you have to prove yourself, so that you have recommendations.
- bitcontact. This is the largest forum about the crypto currency, where you will need to carry the signature of the project and communicate with people.
- Articles, video. You will need to write an article or record a video about the project.
- Twitter. One of the simplest, all you need to do is retweet. put on the likes and make posts about the project.
- Facebook. All the same as the twitter of the company.
- Telegram. You will need to join the group and communicate with people who are just like you are interested in the project.
There are many more ways, but I noted the most popular ones. At first glance it seems easy for everyone, but it's not, you need to do daily retweets and make reports, a lot of red tape, if you miss something, then you will not get anything. Well, there are wonderful people who made an automatic platform that does everything in automatic mode and you no longer need to make any reports. Frankly, there are many such platforms already, but I would like to stop at Bountyhunters.io, before they were called icoreward, but just recently they completely redesigned the site, which is much easier and more convenient to use.
Bountyhunters.io is an automated platform for marketing and bonuses, now you do not need to do more daily reports, afraid of missing something, what then to do to the fact that you do not get anything, Bountyhunters.io does everything for you, you need it just make a laika + retweet and more and nowhere, do not enter anything, it's very simple and easy. And you no longer need to sit for days on the forum and look for projects in which you want to participate, the platform carefully selects projects, the only thing you need to do is to join this or that project and start promoting the project.
The main advantages of the project:
Optimized marketing campaigns. This is an opportunity to make campaigns more transparent in terms of ROI, CPA. Moreover, this reduces the financial and time costs associated with the launch and the future management element.
Great coverage of the target audience. Has the ability in the shortest time to attract a large number of target audience.
Increase ROI and conversion rates as part of the sales sequence.
Time and resources are saved due to full automation of processes and automatic tracking of activities and payments.
I also wanted to note that now this platform is in the fact that everyone can participate, just see all the delights of this site, and to make it even easier, I will clearly show how to join the company.
Website: https://bountyhunters.io
White Paper: https://bountyhunters.io/files/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/icoreward
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/iBountyhunters
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