Source: Albun familiar- photomontage Pixiz
Good morning to all the readers of golos.io. This is my participation in the contest held by @ slon21vekaIn the slogan "I picked up the" Elephant "for the relay race" For more information enter here Consultations and rules Said this Let the hunt begin!
Obviously my life is destined to have frequent encounter with these beautiful animals, from a very young I have great admiration for the largest animal in the universe, I am passionate about their intelligence, I could not wait less, I have a cerebellum of five kilograms. The one responsible for this love and admiration, my mother has, was she who gave me a small elephant, at the time of birth.

He is a very affectionate elephant, his name is Dumbo, he has been in our family for 50 years, fulfilling and satisfying our whims, being a baby used as a mordillo, now I look at him and I can observe my bites in his trunk and his ears, although I am also very sad to remember those golden times.
When I was 12 years old I left my home and my family, I traveled to the city of Buenos Aires in search of work, my father had died and I had to support my brothers, the farewell was very sad, my brothers were very small and they cried At my departure, to calm them down, I put my hand in my bag and took Dumbo and left them for them to take care of me.
My brothers knew of my love for my elephant, this was a sign that I would return, with this gesture my brothers remained calm.
After many years I arrive at the hands of my granddaughter Abigail, she plays all day with him, Dumbo is very happy and active, despite being 50 years old. Does not it look like Truth?
For many years I lived in Buenos Aires, I left home at age 12 and returned at age 35, all this time away from Dumbo, however, knowing my love for the elephants, my mother on my 25th birthday gave me a gift. Who can guess what I give my mother when I turn 25? Siiiiiiii. An elephant!

A few weeks ago I celebrated my 50th birthday, I received many beautiful gifts, including an Elephant of prosperity! My niece Cecilia gave it to me, with express recommendations of its location, according to the beliefs of the "FENG SHUI" my niece recommended placing a small value bill in her trunk on the 29th, it is essential to place her trunk looking towards the interior of the house . The elephant symbolizes prosperity and the good life, popular belief says that they are the ones who open the roads, the one who can disperse any obstacle.
My granddaughter Abigail, the new owner of my elephants
Who writes, the longevity of the elephants.
A little history.
Elephants are the largest living animals in the universe, known scientifically as "Elephantidae" of family origin of the "Proboscidea" although their classification varies according to their species or provenance to those from Africa are classified within the genus "Loxodonta" and the gender of the Asian elephants as "Elephas"
The parents must wait a long time until their children are born, twenty-two months, the child can weigh almost as much as me 120 kg. And they can live up to 82 years, according to the latest statistics, the heaviest elephant in history came to weigh 11,000 kg with almost four meters in height. A true giant!
Some more images of my hunt
All the hunting was carried out on the land without evil. Corrientes- Argentina. The southernmost country in the world, owner of tango, roast, dulce de leche, yerba mate and chamame.
Thank you very much for the company in this beautiful hunting trip, which took place in my native province. Currents
The images correspond to the family album
The camera used Nikon Coolpix B500
Thank you for your visit
Jose Luis
Argentina Currents

oh! so longread post and so beautifull! nice to see you and your cute granddaughter Abigail! I hope you`re a lucky grandpa espessially with little elefants! )))
have a good time!_
I appreciate your comments and this nice visit, you are very kind
thank you very much for appreciating my work
I wish you a beautiful day@ladyzarulem
thanks a lot, have you s nice time in Golos!
@jlufer отличный пост о жизни и о слонах! Хорошо художественно (дизайнерски) оформлен!
@evgeny-zaikin thank you very much for appreciating my work, you are very kind
I wish you a beautiful Sunday
@jlufer thankee!
@jlufer Замечательный пост! Отлично!)
@shadenataly You are very kind, I appreciate your words very much
thank you very much for this nice visit
I wish you a beautiful day
@jlufer Thank you!)
@jlufer Wow! Thanks! Post a lovely.
@jlufer Wow! Thanks! Post a lovely.
@denis-skripnik you are very gentle thank you very much for your kind words
I wish you a beautiful day
Thank. The same to you.
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@golosboard thank you very much for the support you give to my work
I wish the whole team a beautiful day
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@golosboard Thank you very much for the support you give to my work
I wish everyone a prosperous week