Gas and oil are harvested to generate electricity In the UAE
The most prosperous country in the Arab (and not only) part of the world lost about 50% of its gas to meet its own electricity needs. Such waste is absolutely unacceptable, because gas and oil will someday run out, and electricity consumption grows by an average of 9% per year.
The UAE government has taken a number of measures. One of them is a complete ban on the import of air conditioners that do not meet energy saving standards. Living in northern countries, it is difficult to imagine that in the peak heat 70% of the energy costs of the whole country are in cooling systems.

A long-term program for the construction of nuclear power plants and SPS was adopted. Solar stations will cover a vast desert area, and by 2030 all roofs of houses will be equipped with solar panels.
Chinese economic miracle craves energy
In China, the idea of alternative energy conservation was in the air, but it was not easy to implement them. The cost of solar panels went off scale, it was required to build a line for transporting energy to the megacities of Shanghai and Beijing. The government, which began to finance projects initially, began to gradually reduce turnover and investment.
Nevertheless, the construction of SPS continues not only in the Middle Kingdom, but also in Africa and South America. The successful Solar DAO project has united thousands of visionary and enterprising people around the world who want to invest their money and the crypto currency, in particular, in such a frankly promising business as financing alternative energy sources.
Everything is simple and obvious. Having concluded the "smart contract" within the framework of the Ethereum detachment, the investor invests in the construction of the SES, and then receives dividends in accordance with the invested amount.
Taking into account the fact that SES are developing as lightning fast as mobile phones or computer technologies, the profit will only increase every year. The Solar DAO project can turn any investor into a successful entrepreneur who sells the most popular commodity in the world - energy.
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