Hello Everyone
A pair of very poor newlyweds live in a small field. They are still young.
One day the husband made the following backup to his wife."Honey, I will leave this house. I will wander far, to find work and work hard so that I can give you a comfortable life that you deserve. I don't know how long I stayed away from you, only one that I requested, waiting for my return, and as long as I left, you must be loyal to me, because I will be loyal to you
His wife agreed, so the young man left. He walked for days so that he finally met a farmer who needed workers. The young man offered his solemn offer. He was accepted. So he discussed the terms with his employer.
"I will work as long as I want and if I want to go home, please release me from my job. I don't want to receive my salary. I want you to keep it for me, so that on the day I will go. The day I decide to go home, please give me money. "
They both agree
So, the young man worked for twenty years without leave and without breaks. After twenty years, he went to his employer and said, "Sir, I want my money, because I want to go home."The employer replied, "OK, even though I made an agreement with you and I obeyed. However, before you leave I want to offer you something new. I will give all your money and justify you leaving; or I give you three advice, but you won't get the money. Now, go to your table and think about your decision
the door and recognize him, the wife cries and hugs her with a very happy feeling. The husband tried to reject his wife but was helpless. Then, with tears in his eyes he said to his wife, "I remain loyal to you but you betray me.His wife was surprised, then he replied, "How do I betray you? I never betrayed. I am with sabbath waiting for you for twenty years
Then the husband asked, "What about the man you wiped out last night?"
His wife replied, "The man is your child. When you left, I found that I was pregnant. Today is the twentieth year.After hearing it, the husband begged forgiveness from his wife. He met and hugged his child. Then he told me everything he had experienced during his departure
Meanwhile, his wife provided a drink for them to eat with the last bread given by the husband's employer. After a thanksgiving prayer, he broke the bread. In the bread he saw the scent, all of them. In fact, the money is more than the salary he deserves for his twenty years of dedication.Comrades, so for example God teaches us. If he asks us to make sacrifices, he wants to give us more than what we give Him. He wants us to have His unique wisdom and material blessings
1.life gets shorter:
»Which we may eat, eat;
»What we can use, wear it;
»What we want to buy, buy it;
»If you are still able to give, give it;
»Still able to share, share.
Because all that we have is not allowed to be brought to the grave. Don't worry about the heirs, Allah will arrange the sustenance while they try.
Enjoy this hίdυρ with our partner while still there
2. A day goes by, age decreases a day. If we pass today happily, we are very lucky, doing good & always thanking you, because we don't know if we will be called 'away
3. Time passes, life is very short and difficult. In an instant we enter old age, that's DEFINITELY
4. When comparing up, we will always feel less; comparing down, we feel more; if we are able to feel enough and be grateful for what we have, we must be happy.
Be thankful for what we are. Use it best
5. Assets, wealth, rank, position, honor these are only temporary, only loans.
The best and most important is Good Behavior, always helping people, not doing disgraceful things, guarding oneself.Don't hurt others because karma exists.And most importantly, train yourself to always be zahir and mindful.
This is because HEALTH is our WEALTH and the main capital is enjoying the happiness of this life
6. Love for children is unlimited!
The love of the children for the mother is clearly the limit.Awake! when the child is sick, the heart of the mother is inhaled.But when the mother is sick, the child just looks and asks about the level.Children wearing parents' money are like a necessity, but parents using a child like that certainly don't apply.Therefore, ENOUGH yourself and give it to children as much as possible
7. The ibubapa house is the home of a child, but the child's house is not necessarily the house of the capital. The mother always gives children without limits ... but not all children will worship the father. HAPPY TO DRIVE OLD DAYS
I pray
Honor those who read this message;
Lay out his heart.Share with your family, and expand the provision as large as the sea that you created.Make things easy; Deliver his ideals;
Keep her away from all diseases, slander, vile prejudice, say rude, and mungkar.Keep away from all calamities and accept all of the worship services; and later, make him a resident of your heavenGIBRAN008
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Feel free to leave me if you have any comments.I hope this year brings nothing but the best !!! Photo by @gibran008/Canon EOS 1D Mark III camera Follow & restore @gibran008
The story of inspiring the lives of disadvantaged families
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