The development of Blockchain-Etehereum Technology is getting more intense, many crypto-based platforms use this technology. Blockchain-Ethereum is a decentralized network for running crypto coins that are created on platforms that are normally ERC-20 standard. I see that the development of the Ethereum network is not supported by speed, the Ethereum network is too slow and inefficient to become money that can really be programmed in the future and "global computers" as it claims. Unfortunately, with difficulty, a government system that is too centralized, the transition to a more measurable version of Ethereum continues to be delayed. Based on this, a new platform is now available that will improve the speed of the Ethereum network, this platform is called Ethereum Beacon.
Ethereum Beacon is a new Ethereum based cryptocurrency project that aims to ensure scalability, security and decentralization, utilizing the latest innovations designed by the global Ethereum community and the project team itself. The new innovation created by the Beacon team is Sharding Ethereum Beacon. this is an innovative scaling solution that will help increase transaction processing speeds of up to 1000 tps and more.
The basics of sharding on Ethereum Beacons
Sharding in the Proof-of-Stake system thus creating the infrastructure needed to enable scaling. The actual increase in network capacity will come gradually Beta and Gamma with the creation of a sharding system. Sharding means breaking up the network into segments that are mostly independent, or fractions, each with their own status. The concept of sharding comes from database management, but when applied to blockchain networks, it becomes much more complex.
Sharding system arrangement on Ethereum Beacon
In contrast, in a PoS blockchain such as Ethereum Beacon, sharding is not only possible but it is important to scale up thanks to the security deposit mechanism and the selection of a pseudorandom validator. Each glass will function according to the PoS procedure described in the previous section. A set of potential block plotters will be assigned to each fraction, to be randomized between fractions after each 300-second period. Every round (5 seconds), a set of block makers will be randomly selected from that set.
Transaction and cross communication
When two users who make a transaction are both located in the same shard, the procedure is streamlined: the transaction is included in the block proposed by the staker, it is validated and added to the shard, the cross-link is sent to the key chain, and then the block is finally completed. However, the majority of transactions in Ethereum Beacons will involve more than one fraction, so it is necessary to guarantee proper communication protocols between them. The risk of double expenses increases when sending funds across fractions, because transactions can potentially be reversed in one fraction after being finalized on a keychain.
Staged implementation
At this point, it is important to note that in the first three phases of Ethereum Beacon implementation, the original Proof-of-Work stock will still operate and sharding will work only in the test regime. The objective in this initial stage is to test the pseudo-random reassignment procedure of the validator from one glass to another, receipt storage, cross-link generation, etc. The main hypothesis that must be tested at this stage for key chains is that the reception system effectively prevents double disbursement.
Similarly Sharding review in Ethereum Beacon, for detailed information, please visit and see Also visit the social media links below.
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Created by: Sabrina / Bitcointalk
Eth Address: 0xb28E31eE241C268695d20d1FA77B86C82432ECbF