Felixo- IEO and Airdrop6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в felixoFelixo- IEO and AirdropFelixo is a trading platform from Turkey, following in the footsteps of Binance, using the FLX coin for Felixo 's…
Blockchain Media Group (BCMG)6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainBlockchain Media Group (BCMG)Problems Information stockpiling and work process innovation in blockchain has been in presence since the 1990s.…
Mobaex building Exchange and Marketplace6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainMobaex building Exchange and MarketplaceProblems We practically all heard Bitcoin and Bitcoin coins are a particular utilization of the blockchain square.…
Nestree actualizes blockchain innovation6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в icoNestree actualizes blockchain innovationProblems Trouble to Grow and Maintain Community While making a gathering talk is simple, developing it into a…
Evolutionary BILLCRYPT Token of the ERC-206 лет назад alinjinklop46 в billcryptEvolutionary BILLCRYPT Token of the ERC-20Problems Today we can see more developments with best nature of the stage with high executions of tech and great…
Zoptax-Disrupting VOIP with Blockchain6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainZoptax-Disrupting VOIP with BlockchainProblems If someone says that in the next five to ten years, the telecommunications industry will completely change:…
CryptoMarketAds (CMA)6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainCryptoMarketAds (CMA)We are an innovation of tech-accommodating people and with regards to blockchain, we perceive and acknowledge as valid…
The FACITE with Block Chain Business Model6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainThe FACITE with Block Chain Business ModelThe Facite fundamental goal of is to advance and build up a monetary and money related condition in Kazakhstan…
About the STELLERRO6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainAbout the STELLERROThe predominance of digital currency gains us consider ways and ground that will ensure their receptiveness to…
Decentralized gaming platform - Dabanking6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainDecentralized gaming platform - DabankingAbout the Dabanking venture The approach of barricade innovation around ten years back has prompted a change in many…
CyberMiles - Public Blockchain for E-commerce6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainCyberMiles - Public Blockchain for E-commerceWhat is CyberMiles CyberMiles is the blockchain technology built by 5xlab, which is one of the research centers to…
Colletrix - Connecting the physical world and the virtual world6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainColletrix - Connecting the physical world and the virtual worldWhat is Colletrix? Colletrix utilizes blockchain innovation to ensure the licensed innovation rights (IP) income…
Review of the DAICO of Winbix6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainReview of the DAICO of WinbixIt has been watched of late that organizations are logically moving to the new and most recent blockchain advancement…
Migranet Overview6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainMigranet OverviewProblems Relocation has been an essential piece of life since the commencement of our planet. Presently, with…
Bitbond - Superior Investment6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в bitbondBitbond - Superior InvestmentProblems The P2P Lending loan model includes a guaranteed (unsecured) and unsecured (mortgage) loan model similar to…
Xcrypt digital currency trading technology ERC7216 лет назад alinjinklop46 в xcryptXcrypt digital currency trading technology ERC721Problems The full ERC is Ethereum Request for Comments, which means an update in Ethereum's blockchain system, which…
Overview of the ATRONOCOM project6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в atronocomOverview of the ATRONOCOM projectHello friends! Today, I will evaluate a really potential project, as I see, that is ATRONOCOM, the manufacturer has…
Ferrum network high-speed P2P transactions6 лет назад alinjinklop46 в blockchainFerrum network high-speed P2P transactionsProblems P2P ("Peer-to-peer") transactions: direct, peer-to-peer or "decentralized" transactions are carried out…