AIR WALLET is a mobile cryptocurrency wallet platform that focuses on simplifying Airdrops while creating visibility for blockchain services and token projects. AIR WALLET is fully KYC compliant and aims to introduce both new and current token holders to token projects by making the process of listing and receiving Airdrops much easier. AIR WALLET aims to solve the current problems within this industry to help aid in the growth of the market, building authentic communities for token projects, while creating a comfortable platform with our users in mind.
About Airwallet
The Airdrop market is worth millions of dollars in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. With Airdrops being given out by almost every ICO project, ICOs have raised over 6.6 billion USD this year alone. These projects are categorized and spread across 28 different industries worldwide.
With so many ICOs and innovative platforms in each industry,there is still not a single one that focuses on being an Airdrop platform. Airdrops are seen as a way to earn tokens, which have value once the project is listed on an Exchange. However, the current procedure to obtain them needs to be simplified.
Bounty and Airdrop allocations are standard for every project, resulting in a large pool of assets that can be collected.
Comparing the total global population to the number of current cryptocurrency holders, it is clear that the industry is still in it's infant stage. There is still a vast untapped potential to bring the general population into the crypto world and aid in the growth of market capitalization.
AIR WALLET is creating a much needed bridge between People, Airdrops and Host Projects by giving them an easier way to interact with each other.
We recognize the potential and power of Airdrops; connecting people to projects and helping the blockchain industry grow.
Many projects are offering Airdrops to participants but fail to fairly distribute it to users when it comes time.
• Time consuming to search and find
• Complex steps & many required tasks
• Locked and not available for immediate use
• Transaction fees to transfer Airdrops
First time ICO parrticipants may find the process of investing in a token project too difficult. ICOs requires an individual to thoroughly research on the project and learn how to correctly transfer funds.
• Difficult to understand
• Evaluate projects for scams
• Constantly monitor for updates
• High barrier of entry for newcomers
There are many existing blockchain projects out on the market but suffer from low visibility and not enough use of their platform.
• Low visibility from token holders
• Service is limited to native tokens
• Limited community growth
• Can’t be integrated with other platforms
AIR WALLET offers a variety of services to projects who wish to list on our platform.
• Project Showcase
• Create Token Holders
• Exchange Listing Assistance
• Global PR & Marketing
• Community Growth & Managemet
• Technical Evaluation
A one-stop solution to manage your cryptocurrencies and Airdrop all within a single platform.
• Manage and View All Airdrops
• Simplified Tasks
• Automated Community Joining
• Airdrops Automatically Distributed
• Swap locked Airdrops to AIR Tokens
• Follow Projects and Receive Updates
Q3 2018
✓ Conception of Idea
✓ Team Building
✓ Early Stage Investment
✓ Whitepaper Ver. 1.0
✓ Product Development
✓ Website Launch
Q4 2018
✓ Asia Roadshow
✓ App. Demo Launch
✓ Strategic Partnership
✓ Smart Contract Testing
✓ Wallet Test
• App. Launch
• IEO Listing
Q1 2019
• Multi-Language Support
• Airdrop Swap
• Payment System
• Blockchain Platform Integration
• dApp Store Layout
Q2 2019
• dApp Store Integration
• AIR Pool Service Layout
• International Business Dev.
• Mainnet Development
• ATM Integration
• Offline Payment
Token info
Token AIR
Price 1 AIR = 0.06 USD
Platform Ethereum
Soft cap 5000000 USD
Country Singapore
Bounty will run from 23/11/2018 - 10/02/2019.
Bounty will be distribute to participant: 10/02/2019.
Total Token for bounty = 10.000.000 AIR token
This is divided into six parts:
Writing articles or content : 30%
Signature Campaign : 25%
Facebook Campaign : 10%
Twitter Campaign : 10%
Linkedin Campaign : 10%
Telegram Campaign : 10%
Telegram Stikers : 5%
Earn stakes with ratings:
Junior Member: 0,5
Members: 1 stake per week
Full member: 2 stakes per week
Senior member: 4 stakes per week
Hero members: 6 stakes per week
Legendary members: 8 stakes per week
Participants in this campaign must be at least Jr. Member to use our signature.
Minimum of 10 constructive posts per week.
If you do not reach 10 posts before Monday, you will not receive any stakes for this week.
Posts made in the following sections (and all their child boards) will not count as valid posts: Marketplace; Beyond the topic; Archiving; Marketplace (Altcoin).
Unqualified posts will not count as valid.
Posts with less than 70 characters will not count as valid posts.
Every participant of the signature campaign must wear our avatar (except participants with rank jr.member and member).
Participants with a Red-Negative Trust will not be accepted.
Rates :
Tweet/Retweet/Like: 1 stake
Rules :
This campaign is limited to 3000 participants.
Only twitter accounts with more than 500 followers will be allowed.
4 Retweet and 2 Tweet per Week (1 Tweet/retweet per day)
Tweet with hashtag: #AirWallet #AIR #ethereum #blockchain #wallet #digital #bounty #Airdrop
must report every week make a new #post report per week.
Rates :
Share/Like/Comment : 1 stakes
Rules :
This campaign is limited to 3000 participants.
Like this page:
Only facebook accounts with more than 500 Friends will be allowed.
4 Share and 2 post per Week (1 Share/post per day)
Post with hashtag: #AirWallet #AIR #ethereum #blockchain #wallet #digital #bounty #Airdrop
must report every week,make a new #post report per week.
Rates :
1 stakes per participant.
Rules :
Participants must follow telegram Official Airwallet group until ICO ended:
If participants only fill out the form and do no join the Telegram Official and Telegram Bounty will banned.
**Telegram Stickers **
Rules :
Create at least 8 custom telegram stickers, featuring AIRWALLET. Top 20 participants chosen by the Team will get the prize pool. If, lets say only 1 person will win (due to not enough participants),will have the whole pool.
Rates :
1 stakes per participant.
Rules :
To join it you must ,like, Follow, and comment our AirWallet LINKEDİN PAGE
Only JR member and above are allowed to participate.
Your profile must have at least 250 public connections/followers
You must share at least 3 time share from the page per week and create 2 posts about AirWallet with a link to
Rates :
Steemit: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake
Youtube Video: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake
Blog/website: High: 3 stakes | Medium: 2 stakes | Low: 1 stake | Bad: 0 stake
Owner site ICO listing/rating and publish about this project automatically get High stakes.
Example: Tell about nature of the project, which problem it addresses, how to invest, about advantages for investors, for bounty hunter, bounty manager, startup and company.
New website not allowed
New channel youtube not allowed
Article should be original, dont copy from other participant or ANN thread, whitepaper.
You need to have more than 200 followers on your website/youtube.
The publication needs to have more than 400 words and For Video must be at least 2 minutes long.
Maximum 2 article/video per participant.
Your post should include link website, whitepaper, Ann thread, and official social media account and
Provide your bitcointalk profile and your ETH address at the end your article or description for video.
ETH WALLET: 0x941E920177FF53B3AAF805fA424d4E6469Fe38d8
excellent overview
the market is now unstable so it is better to stand aside, but the project is interesting
@yarik044, поздравляю! Вы добились некоторого прогресса на Голосе и были награждены следующими новыми бейджами:
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A good wallet, someone already use it?
Very interesting project! Good job!
I think this is a project that has a good innovation with this project.
Ваш пост поддержали следующие Инвесторы Сообщества "Добрый кит":
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Поэтому я тоже проголосовал за него!
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dobryj.kit теперь стал Делегатом! Ваш голос важен для всего сообщества!!!

Поддержите нас:
Very interesting project concept. Optimization and solution of the platform are promising. In simple words, I was interested.
@yarik044, Поздравляю!
Ваш пост был упомянут в моем хит-параде в следующих категориях:
The project has very ambitious plans to conquer the market!
An interesting idea, thanks for the review.
It's really the best idea for today ! 👍
@djimirji up!
@vik 100%
@urri123456 up!
Смотри J75 у @jackvote!
Призываю @delegation-fund