Hello, readers of my blog. I present to you for reading and familiarizing the article about the Atomic Wallet project. After reading the article on one of the resources, I became interested in the project and, in particular, in the wallet of this platform, I decided to download it and study it in more detail. The platform has created and optimized an interesting solution for users.
This is a multi-currency wallet that supports most major cryptocurrencies and tokens of different projects. The platform interface is simple and user-friendly. At the moment, it supports more than 300+ tokens and periodically adds new coins. The application constantly updates and improves security, for the safe storage of users’ crypto active assets.
Everything is under your control, passwords are stored with you, you can restore the wallet using the mnemonic 12 words that you write down during installation. Read more about this and how it works here https://atomicwallet.io/what-are-private-keys-and-how-they-work
A great application for storing your assets, the security of your funds is fully protected. Your safety is completely in your hands. Do not store keys and mnemonic words on the computer.
Compliance with decentralization makes this wallet private, and I think that users will appreciate the product developed by a team of project professionals.
Decentralized wallet solution is a criterion of transparency, reliability, and security, in my opinion, the most important components for storing your assets. Atomic Wallet supports most blockchains (XRP, XLM, XMR, and others).
You can make a purchase of cryptocurrency with a credit card. Here, only you control your funds. Choose where you will download the wallet and proceed to action.
Download the wallet here https://atomicwallet.io/
If you want to send a BTC from your wallet to another, go to the Wallet tab. Then select BTC and in the Amount column enter the amount you want to send, but note that the network payment has 0.0002 BTC. In the Address window, enter the purse where you are sending the transaction, and enter the password. We confirm and everything is ready, your transaction has been sent.
To get a BTC, also on the Wallet tab, copy your address and paste it, for example, on the exchange in the Withdrawal column.
There is also a great option to exchange cryptocurrency inside the wallet. We go to the exchange, choose an asset for exchange and for which cryptocurrency you want to exchange. The action takes place through the partners of the platform and does not take much time. The following video shows everything in detail.
Cryptocurrency can be bought with a credit card. Consider a purchase, on the example of the card Simplex. Simplex is a company that provides secure payment processing worldwide, with minimal risk and no fraud. When you first purchase BTC, you need to go through the verification process (only once). After confirming your identity, you choose an amount that is automatically converted into euros or US dollars, then Simplex approves your request and exchanges. The minimum threshold for acquiring cryptocurrency is $ 50. Credit or debit cards, Visa and MasterCard are accepted. Basically, the entire operation takes less than a day, but in most cases, much earlier. If a problem arises, you will get a rejection and a full refund. Atomic Wallet, eliminates the problem of interaction between different cryptocurrencies, it is a very convenient wallet that allows you to manage your assets in one place.
Atomic Wallet: https://atomicwallet.io
Bitcoin Wallet - https://atomicwallet.io/bitcoin-wallet
Ethereum Wallet - https://atomicwallet.io/ethereum-wallet
Bitcointalk Username: FVB
Bitcointalk Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1808846
UNIQUENESS: https://www.duplichecker.com/ 100% http://prntscr.com/nqma2g
thanks for the informative article
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