Greetings to all readers of my blog. Now we have on the review quite an entertaining and promising plan for MFUN. Mfun is eager to be the largest ecosystem of royalties in Southeast Asia, starting with the gaming industry in Indonesia.
MFUN this platform for players in computer games, which will give players the chance to weld on their beloved games. Now you can act and get money for this, or rather the tokens of the MFUN platform. Before, when you were sitting at the computer and my mother was yelling for you "arise idler go work," you had nothing to answer. Now you have seen a chance to tell all moms and spouses, in fact, that you are working playing games! Now you are not an elementary player, now you are a player who gets money for it.
The longer you play, the more Mfun tokens you will weld. Players now have every chance to monetize their time spent on games. You, among other things, will be able to elect whether to perform ancillary assignments in order to earn merit. It is no longer necessary to be forced to create something that you do not like. Play games and earn.
Unlike other fee systems, which are urged to send your own information, such as identification number, credit card number and bank account number, Mfun is built on blockchain technology and will only ask for your mobile phone number for testing. How we see the introduction of an accc is easier than simple.
Creators and publishers of games now have every chance to bypass intermediaries. They have every chance to address their own current advertising and spend the budget for the awarding of players. All fees on the platform will be implemented with support for Mfun tokens. In this way, players will become more motivated in order to perform more or try out fresh games.
For example, the platform will have its own blockchain ecosystem. On the platform will be established a personal method that will resolve a number of tasks. All users of the platform who will start playing games will receive royalties in the Mfun tokens. More suppliers of different content and game developers will be able to monetize their creativity without any problems or underwater stones. For example, as the platform will be used block technology technology, all impacts will become transparent and disclosed.
1st Period 2018 Quarter 1 Quarter 3
Creating an electric wallet. The system of accounts, the system of wallets (the balance of the tokens is ready), the system of proof of the extraction of promo actions. The launch of the website, whitepaper and games.
2 Period 2018 Quarter 4 -2019 Quarter 1
Start App API, marketing module, module for purchasing tokens, module fees, security module in the electric wallet. Reflection of CP list (display of current content providers). Start a voting system to help small creators. Still adding fresh games, with support for voting platform users.
3rd Period 2019 Quarter 2 Quarter 4
Start up the system fees with the method of machine learning.
To acquire the tokens for you, you need Qryptos. Implementation will proceed there. Private Sale is already on. The date of its holding is July 30, 2018 - September 1, 2018. The main implementations leak in October. Clear dates have not yet been assigned.
The total number of Tokens is 800 million Mfun tokens
Number of tokens to sell 344 million Mfun tokens
Price for the Token USD $ 0.10
The accepted monetary units are ETH, BTC, TEN, QASH
Soft cap 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap 25,000,000 USD.
The plan will be exciting for all players of the world. To play in beloved games and get money for it is the dream of every player. For example, it's a great platform for game makers, now creators without special advertising will be able to find their own motivated audience with support for the MFUN platform.
For more detailed information, follow the links below.
Official website:
My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2366474
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