- BTW is traded on “BitFlip” (https://bitflip.li/trade/BTW-USD)
- How BTW algorithm will work after consensus updates:
- 10% of the delegate’s income will be distributed to those who vote for him (for candidates)
- The size of the candidate’s income depends on the weight of the candidate’s vote
- The weight of the vote depends on the number of coins in the wallet
- Exchange “GetBtc” — will add BTW (https://getbtc.org)
- New exchange “5iquant” — will add BTW (https://www.5iquant.org/)
- Exchange “Openledger” — will add BTW (https://openledger.io)
- Exchange “StocksExchange” — will add BTW (https://stocks.exchange/)
- Technical updates: (GitHub: https://github.com/BTWhite + Download wallet with updates from site: https://bitcoinwhite.org/)
- Fix registration of delegates (When registering a new delegate, the block was under the transaction type and not the delegate) + the one who started the synchronization it hung on one block.
- A new request has been added to api (system), it makes it possible to communicate with remote peers without having a public IP.
- The module for synchronization with remote peers (Node Service) is written.
- Re-written the logistics (Post Service).
- Removed old plugins and replaced with the newest ones, as well as optimized code.
- Front-end upgrade + new design.
- Changed the structure of the code from the usual Javascript 1.8.5 to ETCscript 6.
- Fixes of errors on the server node (timestamp block).
- Fix security, if you have stored the secret key in the local store, then when you update the page, you do not get to #login, but to #home, but if you exit the purse, the secret key will be deleted from the local store.
First stage of roadmap 2018. Redesign of the wallet — completed, upgrade your wallets (Download wallet with updates from site: https://bitcoinwhite.org/ + https://bitcoinwhite.org/BTWChainv1.0.5.zip).
Dead accounts was deleted from Telegram corps
“Cryptocompare” added BTW — https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/btw/charts/BTC (After integrating “BitFlip” with “Cryptocompare” or our next listing on the exchange that integrated with “Cryptocompare”, there will be information about BTW)
“Coinlib” added BTW — https://coinlib.io/coin/BTW/Bitcoin+World
A new rubric is introduced: “HomeWork” (You can find this in our Telegram groups @BTW_Community + @BTW_2corps)
Reminder: Exchanges:
- BitFlip — +
- Next exchange — + (BTW will list after their launch).
- Altcoin exchange — + (BTW will list after their launch).
- 5iquant — + (Wait for integration)
- Openledger — + (Wait for integration)
- GetBTC — + (Wait for integration)
- StocksExchange — + (Wait for integration)
- Mercatox — technical works, they will list new coins after this works.
- Kucoin — in negotiations.
- Binance — in negotiations.
- Coinexchange — the request is being processed.
- Yobit — the request is being processed.
- Upcoin — the request is being processed
- Bitpaya — in negotiations
- Okex — the request is being processed.
- Coincheck — the request is being processed.
- Gatecoin — the request is being processed.
- BitZ — in negotiations.
- LiteBit — the request is being processed.
- Huobi — the request is being processed.
- BitHumb — the request is being processed.
- GDAX — the request is being processed.
- Poloniex — the request is being processed.
- Coinone — the request is being processed.
- HitBtc — the request is being processed.
- Coinnest — the request is being processed.
- Aex — the request is being processed.
- Koineks — the request is being processed.
- Coinbene — in negotiations.
- Coss exchange — the request is being processed.
- Tidex — in negotiations.
- Kuna — the request is being processed.
- Exmo — the request is being processed.
- CoinFalcon — the request is being processed.
We work with exchanges, please be patient.
Reminder: Our new official Bitcointalk account: BitcoinWhite
Our new official Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2727678
Our old Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2398505.0
Reminder: Documentation. Delegates + FAQ:
Main corps:
BTW Corp 1: @BTW_Community
BTW Corp 2: @BTW_2corps
Please speak only English in BTW Corps!
For Turkish: https://t.me/btwturkey
For Russian: https://t.me/BTW_Ru
Africa Hub: https://t.me/BTW_Africa
Asian Hub: https://t.me/BTW_Asian
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