Ellcrys Network is a new open blockchain protocol created specifically to solve all the problems described above. And also designed to help all its users gain territorial independence and maximum benefit at all stages of using the Ellcrys Network. In simple terms, the Ellcrys Network ecosystem is not only able to unite its users on the basis of common thoughts, views and plans, but also offer them a wide range of opportunities through which they will once and for all get rid of centralized intermediaries and other repositories. Which in turn are the scourge of modern society and poison our entire modern business economy with its high commission fees and other inflated commissions in all business transactions.
Comfortable, and most importantly easy to understand tools of Ellcrys Network, allow users to immediately evaluate the quality and convenience of using the entire decentralized system in practice. And also make sure its reliability and safety. After all, every transaction in the system will be recorded by means of a smart contract, which means that users will finally get rid of all sorts of risks and unscrupulous partners of the transaction. What I consider to be a very important and necessary factor in modern society. At the same time, the presence of a transparent and open blockchain structure will allow all users to harmoniously interact with each other, leading all the most important business processes. At the same time, the developers of the Ellcrys Network selected a hybrid system for confirming operations, which includes both Pow and Pos forms. All this was not chosen by chance, since it is precisely with this combination of technologies that users will truly open to an effectively developing platform with high transaction speed and unlimited opportunity for scaling. I know that for many of you, it is not unimportant that there are already finished products from various projects. And I have great news for you from Ellcrys Network, they already have it, moreover they have several: The first product called Safehold is designed to manage and create new user accounts, as well as to confirm and send the mining process; The second Testnet product is more concentrated on the test part, which is designed in the future to launch the alpha version - Elld; The third product, called Ellscan, is designed to broadcast all completed transactions and open access to all payments made.
Analyzing the above, I would like to once again confirm the high role of the emergence in our life of such a project as the Ellcrys Network. After all, it is his goals and objectives that are focused on solving many of the corruption, monopolistic and financial problems of entrepreneurs, which are often experienced in the modern business space. Therefore, take a closer look at the Ellcrys Network, who knows, maybe he is honored to start a qualitative revolution in all business processes throughout the world.
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