Buying coins on crypto trading exchanges is not particularly difficult, if not so many different exchanges. And users prefer a certain exchange. But what's the difference between the two?
Different crypto exchanges have their own nuances and can be very different from each other. Also, the security of the Crypto Exchange is not the last thing to pay attention to every novice crypto investor. Now crypto-exchanges provide their user with all possible advantages and the realization of these advantages is its own on each exchange. All in order that, the user had the opportunity to easily purchase coins.
An important factor in the popularity of the coin is that on what number of crypto exchanges it is possible to buy a coin. The more exchanges on which the moment is presented, the more coins will be in circulation.
Why the success of the crypto exchange depends:
- Safety
- Daily trading volumes
- Number of available currency pairs
- The size of the commissions;
- Support work
- Tools for trading
- Having a mobile app
- Support for FIAT Currencies;
To fully function with any platform, you need to buy a certain number of coins. Before buying certain coins and investing in it, you need to know the essence of the project, study its financial performance, the purpose of the project and its prospects, the list of real events that the company conducts. It is also worth paying attention to the number of exchanges on which the coin is presented! The more exchanges, the higher the level of trust in this coin!
I will give an example on the EDC cryptocoin. EDC Blockchain is a blockchain platform that brings together owners of companies that want to to tocelist their business (provides interested companies and users of "Coin Constructor"), miners and ordinary users in one place. All functionality is available here. Thanks to the intuitive interface, all operations are available in a couple of clicks.
Description of EDC Blockchain and EDC Token.
The EDC Blockchain project has a capitalization of $10,145,896 USD.
Cost 1 EDC Token - $0.003799USD (0.00000036 BTC).
Ranked 277th(28.07.2019), among 2,360 different cryptocurrencies CoinMarketCap
The growth of popularity and capitalization of the coin itself is steadily growing due to the fact that the project has been working for more than one year, actually provides the necessary services to the participants of the blockchain environment, there is potential for growth (creation of its own exchange, mobile applications). The growth of capitalization is helped by the fact that the coin is presented on many different crypto exchanges:
Yobit https://yobit.net/ru/trade/EDC/BTC
EXRATES https://exrates.me
IDAX https://www.idax.pro/#/exchange?pairname=EDC_BTC
LocalTrade https://localtrade.cc/
Bit-Z https://www.bit-z.com/exchange/edc_btc
P2PB2B https://p2pb2b.io/trade/EDC_BTC
DigiFinex https://www.digifinex.com/ru-ru/trade/BTC/EDC
LB http://www.lb.world/app/view/trade/trade.html?bisid=27#trade_div
zBG https://www.zbg.com/trade/edc_usdt
CoinBene https://www.coinbene.com/exchange.html#/exchange?pairId=EDCBTC
For convenience, let's take a closer look at some of the ones that trade the most EDC Blockchain coins.
- Supports the input and withdrawal of funds in rubles and dollars.
- Wide optional pad (more below).
- Supports more than 500 currency pairs!
- Low commissions for the entry and withdrawal of both cryptocurrencies and rubles and USD.
- Instant entry/withdrawal of cryptocurrencies.
- A lot of different daily bonuses.
- A convenient menu is Russian.
- Relatively low trade commissions
- High performance
- High level of security
- Partner program
- Fast transactions
- High-quality customer service in different languages.
- A large number of available pairs
- High liquidity
- Unlimited access
- High level of security
- Intuitive interface
- Professional customer service
- Fast transactions
- Having a mobile app
- Partner program.
- A large number of coins and tokens
- High level of security
- A simple interface
- Verification is optional.
- Trade OTC
- Fast transactions
- Online chat for interaction of participants
- Mobile app
- A profitable partner program to attract new entrants.
When you launch your own tokens, through the EDC coin designer, these coins appear on all partner exchanges
As you can see, EDC Blockchain is not another Start-Up Project that promises huge opportunities. This is already an accomplished project with a huge capitalization, a well-thought-out system of Mining and Leasing, a convenient multifunctional wallet and a novelty for the blockchain industry "Coin Constructor". EDC is not just an online project. The development team is constantly conducting various promotional events to attract attention and increase the popularity of the platform itself.
Visit one of the links below and be interested in this project.
Telegram: https://t.me/EDCBlockchain
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EDCBlockchain
Wallet Web: https://wallet.blockchain.mn/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/SERO_Official
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/3AZVMRU
Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/EDC.Blockchain/
Bitcointalk name: rafaelyarulin