About CBE Certification
The Certified Blockchain Expert is a skilled professional who understands and knows in-depth what is Blockchain and how Blockchain works and also uses the same knowledge to build Blockchain-based applications for enterprises and businesses. The CBE credential certifies individuals in the Blockchain discipline of Distributed Ledger Technology from a vendor-neutral perspective.
Certified Blockchain Expert is an exhaustive training, lab & exam based program aim to provide a proof of the knowledge of the certificate holder in Blockchain space. The Blockchain is evolving very fast & enabling businesses to build compelling solutions at a lesser cost. Enterprises are struggling to identify the right talent to deploy on the Blockchain-based projects in-house. This certification will work as a bridge between resources & businesses (employees, consultants & advisers) to give enterprises confidence in the quick hire.
Web-site: https://goo.gl/rdNTve
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