Today, blockchain is being integrated into literally every business — it’s the guarantee of transparency and data integrity. Cardstack project will serve as an ecosystem for the creation of blockchain-based applications unlocking the possibilities of this technology for every user. There is no beta version, and the project is expected to be launched after the public token sale.
What Cardstack platform was designed for?
Today, we have numerous tools for creation of websites and applications — content management systems provide us with ready solutions and a wide functionality to ease the task. Cardstack enables creation of blockchain-based applications, in its turn. This is an open-source platform that’s decentralized and is available for literally any user — even without much technical knowledge, you’ll be able to implement blockchain technology into your business. It can be used by media, educational and government organizations, enterprises, and other companies.
The main functions of this project are:
- Creation and matching of cloud applications and dApps.
- Safe and reliable storage of business data and easy transmission.
- Organization of workflow and app combinations.
- The building of functional and attractive application with the help of drop-in navigation.
Therefore, consumers can order and purchase applications, and developers provide their services being rewarded fairly with CARD tokens. Besides, the platform can also be used by analytic miners who can improve algorithms, protect the system against spam and malware, and get compensated for that.
Therefore, Cardstack project has two categories of participants. Users are the owners of Cardstack applications who pay for the services by CST tokens. They order applications to integrate them into their business. Maintainers are developers who conclude a contract with the Cardstack User and contribute some intellectual work to develop an application. There can be several Maintainers for one application.
Cardstack platform promises to become a versatile tool for implementation of blockchain-based applications into the modern business. Thanks to the use of smart contracts and decentralization, users can be sure in the transparency of operations (which is especially important for developers getting rewards) and reliability of services provided.
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