We are all afraid of something. Some fears we have since we are so little such as fear of spiders or snakes. At other times, we develop them gradually, through our growth and because of our experiences, such as fear of failure. This emotion is a psychological adaptation that we have experienced since the beginning of evolution and, to a large extent, served for the human being to advance and evolve.
Fear can be a major obstacle to our growth, and to move forward, we must also learn to face it. When we allow whatever fear to stop us, we may be paralyzed for a long time and inadvertently let go of our goals.
Rational fear x Irrational fear
The first thing we must do to confront this feeling is to identify whether it is a rational or irrational fear. Rational fear is what arises from a fact or from a situation that is really putting us in danger. An example would be encountering a snowstorm when we are on the road. On the other hand, irrational fear is that which arises from some situation or object that, in reality, cannot cause us harm. This is a fear, for instance, of the darkness.
When we identify the type of fear that is troubling us, it is easier to see the solution. For example, a rational fear can help us find a way out of the situation that can harm us. But irrational fear can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward, without there being any real cause.

Prepare Yourself for the moment when fear strikes
If you know, or at least suspect, you will be in a situation that causes you fear, it is important that you prepare to face it. Rational fear can be counteracted with some precautionary measures, whereas irrational fear requires in-depth analysis or insight - as it may be a phobia or a psychological disorder, and in general, requires a specialist's consultation. Think about what is really causing this fear, remember the times you had to face this situation and how was the result in the end.
Face the situation that causes you fear
If your fear is rational, such as driving in a storm, take a few precautionary measures. If one day you find yourself in this situation, but having insurance for your car and you have been informed about what you should do, you will have the possibility to face it and get out of it without problems.
If it is an irrational fear of darkness, for instance, put yourself to the test in this situation. You can start with something smaller, such as staying in a dark room for a few minutes until you get accustomed to the situation and go repeating this test until you overcome your fear. Remember that it is recommended that the use of this type of technique is supervised by a doctor.
Facing fear and defeating it is up to you
We all have fears. What is important is to learn to fight them and use this experience to our advantage.
Sources I visited to write this article:
6 Estratégias Para Superar o Medo Irracional
Cure Your Fear - Phobia Treatment
By @manandezo
July 05th, 2017
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