Eos1bot - Its a powerful telegram bot and tool with which you can receive instant notifications about selected activity in the eosio blockchain. From tracking payments to finding bugs in smart contracts.
⚡️ In this update I did a full refactoring of the my "block listener cluster", which helped to significantly increase speed of bot's reaction and avoid skipping actions
🔬Also I changed the principle of processing actions which allowed us to apply custom regular expressions to each action completely independently
🎭 I improved readability of messages, they look more understandable, but still retain a complete data of actions, including contract name, key access level and the names of interacting parties
🛡 All of the above helped to realize correct work of a regular expression to monitor movement of fake tokens and suspicious actions with contracts in the eosio blockchain
An regex
example of how to track fake EOS tokens:
Press /keywords
then send:
^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosio.token").*
You can combine regex above with other regex.
For example, if you want to track all fake EOS tokens, and also want to track legal EOS tokens, but only if the transfer legal EOS amount is more than 1 million:
Press /keywords
then send:
^(?=.*"transfer")(?=.*"eosio.token")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?=.*"quantity":"[0-9]{7}).*|^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosio.token").*
Technically, we simply added another regular expression, dividing it with |
char which means "OR". Thus we indicated to send notifications if transfer is fake EOS OR if the amount of EOS is more than a million.
You can add many of these "OR" and in each section between |
add a new regular expression. For example, to keep track of your favorite accounts in addition to EOS tokens, do something like this:
Press /keywords
then send:
myaccount1|myaccount2|myaccount3|^(?=.*"transfer")(?=.*"eosio.token")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?=.*"quantity":"[0-9]{7}).*|^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosio.token").*
With the keywords above, eos1bot will track 3 of your accounts myaccount1|myaccount2|myaccount3, fake EOS and legal EOS transfers worth over a million.
Of course, you can track not only fake EOS, but also any other fake tokens.
To do this, you need to specify in keywords a condition with token name and his legal contract.
And if someone tries to send a token from another contract, you will receive a notification.
As an example for tracking fake eosBLACK
For example, we know that the token is called BLACK, and its valid contract is eosblackteam
To track his fakes we will use the following regex:
^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* BLACK","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosblackteam").*
To track Everipedia (IQ) fakes we will use the following regex:
^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* IQ","memo")(?!.*"account":"everipediaiq").*
And so on.
You can combine EOS,BLACK,IQ like this:
^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* BLACK","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosblackteam").*|^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* IQ","memo")(?!.*"account":"everipediaiq").*|^(?=.*"name":"transfer")(?=.* EOS","memo")(?!.*"account":"eosio.token").*
You can track any tokens.
Related posts:
- 🔖 EOS1BOT Fresh features -Show Contract ABI & API Calls
- 🕵🏽 How use eos1bot for whitehat's and prevent possible scams
- 🤟 EOSIO Blockchain realtime event tracker/hunter/notifier and toolset
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Ваш пост поддержали следующие Инвесторы Сообщества "Добрый кит":
sharker, boddhisattva, strecoza, gildar, narin, max-max, lelya, midnight, dimarss, vik, vadbars, amikphoto, borodaus, natasmr, olga-olga, vict0r, semasping, ladynazgool, tnam0rken, zivchakh, rubin, yudina-cat, newodin, aivanouski, aiparnyuk, amelina.elena, mryabinin, lightabsolute, graff0x, bombo, manavendra, lengalenga, lokkie, duremarr, oksi-m, abloud, kr-alexey, irimeiff, chirakovalsky, astramar, aleos, benken, delectat, mjataura, boliwar, kinoshka, alexxela, vitalist
Поэтому я тоже проголосовал за него!
dobryj.kit теперь стал Делегатом! Ваш голос важен для всего сообщества!!!

Поддержите нас:
@vik очень круто спасибо тебе за развитие. делаешь крутые штуки и безопасности сети для пользователей
@vik Спасибо. Возьмем на случай большей активности с EOS токенами... Пока, это мне....
@vik тексту много,
Толку мало.
Ничего не прочитала
Ну да ладно))
Видимо не для моего ума.
@orlova толку мало для того кто не читает ничего!
@docsait а кто сказал что он ничего не читает?