Today Zorya plays against Espanyol in Europe League and here are some facts about the rival of the Ukrainian club
- Espanyol's nickname Periquitos means Budgerigars. According to Wikipedia, these parrots usually nicknamed the parakeets in American English. It says here that the most popular story used to explain why Espanyol and their fans are known as “periquitos” or “pericos” comes from the early 20th century. At that time Espanyol used to play their matches in the neighborhood of Sarrià (Barcelona), in which there were a lot of palms trees with budgies. Another version says that Espanyol played in in bright yellow T-shirts, but each player had his own shorts, so Espanyol looked variegated.
Can you name at least four EPL clubs that have bird nicknames?
- Espanyol means Spanish in Spanish. The club got its name because it was founded by the Spaniards as opposed to Barcelona, which was founded by foreigners a year earlier.
And in what non-minor league do the Americans play?
- Espanyol played twice in the finals of European tournaments. And twice lost on penalties. The first time this happened in the 1987/88 season when Bayer beat the Spaniards. The second time this happened in the 2006/07 season when this team beat the Royal Club.
By the way, do you remember which team it was?
- You were not mistaken when reading the Royal Club in the previous sentence. RCD means Real [Royal] Club Deportivo. At least there are five Royal clubs in Spain.
Can you name at least five Royal clubs in Spain?
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