Hello everybody! The Vidy project attracted me quite a long time ago, so today let’s take a closer look and sort out its advantages, partners and team.
Vidy is a platform, which can become a furor in the advertising sphere. Using this service each user can advance his blog or internet-site, monetizing his material. The thing is Vidy uses a special layer, hidden behind text in every site that exists in the internet.

Project advantages
The first advantage is a possibility to monetize the content. When the platform is built and used properly user can reach the desired result. The payment for the content is presented in the form of platform’s token.
Second advantage of Vidy is total absence of cheating. That’s because blockchain provides the maximum security and reliability, personal data and money are kept and used only by the users themselves. This also lets us to avoid cases of distrust between sides. Sometimes there were cases when advertisers lost resources due to lack of advertising or when the tags in the videos were changed into low-frequent ones. Vidy has become the first project, which has such advantages.
One more advantage of the service is controlling and adjusting users’ own adverts in online mode. In addition, the advertiser can track which companies work better, earn more and which of them are weak. All the advantages are shown on a special panel, that’s why advertising companies can improve their work almost immediately.
The platform satisfies the requirements of advertising due to the algorithm. This also is a serious advantage.

There’s an interesting fact that the platform attracted famous brands, companies and corporations in a short period.

The founder and CEO of the platform is Patrick Colangelo. In the past, he founded Black Diamond Capital Investors. Patrick supports the team and makes them go further. He’s a mastermind of the project.
The co-founder of Vidy is Matthew Lim. He used to work as an investment banker for about 3 years in Credit Suisse. His many-year experience let the team to sign contracts with Asian celebrities. Matthew got the Singapore National University first class prize in financing.
An engineering sphere specialist is Jake Rosin. Jake’s been doing computer technologies for almost 13 years. He was the one who created a multiple-user computer game called Quantro, which was released for Andriod.
One more interesting member of the team is Marco Vanossi. He possesses a 15-year experience in the engineering sphere. He’s one of the most experienced members in the team. Heard about ClickPic search engine? Marco created it. Plus, with his colleagues he created one of the first search services in Latin America.

I think with the help of such huge companies and brands and having such an experienced team the project will succeed in the future. Because the platform is innovative, there’re no similar ones yet and estimated solutions of the problems in the advertising sphere always attract attention. No cheating and the advertising won’t be so annoying. The search algorithm will only show the adverts that match users’ preferences. The NPL protocol with open source code will allow users to place advertisements and relevant text automatically. Several members of the team have more than 10-year experience in the computer development sphere, isn’t it trustworthy? Plus they have lots of big applications, services and companies behind their belts. Together it all inspires confidence in Vidy.
Official links to the Vidy project:
Website: https://www.vidy.com/
Whitepaper: https://vidy.com/whitepaper
Telegram: https://t.me/VidyCoin
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/vidycoin
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4513155.msg40635736#msg40635736
Telegram: https://t.me/Dima0785
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1839798
ETH: 0xF1d66A7fa0331784325a9B1F8f8d4a9b02a55308
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