Hello everybody! Today we will learn about Vidy’s ICO and Road map.
Vidy is a solution of several main problems in the advertising industry. For the past years cases of cheating became more frequent. The situation is going to get worse soon so developers created Vidy. Its clarity and blockchain technology are going to make cheating disappear at all. There also will be used a new algorithm where advertising is not going to be as annoying as everybody is used to and banners will match the users’ preferences.

Token and ICO
Platform: Ethereum.
Country: Singapore.
Pre-sale period: 15/08/18 – 15/09/18.
1 token price: 59780 ETH.
Pre-sale period: 15/09/18 – 15/10/18.
1 token price: 44861 ETH.
Available for sale: 52%.
Softcap: 15 000 ETH.
Hardcap: 60 000 ETH.

52% - for sale.
25% - partners, advisors, marketing.
22% - team.
0,5% - bounty.
0,2% - airdrop.

In the first quarter of 2018 a team of advisors was assembled and the demonstration of the first version was done. Also the ICO preparation was held.
In the second quarter of 2018, Vidy was beta-tested.
In the third quarter of 2018 developers expanded the range of indexed sites. Also the executives implemented OTP and integrated block elements.
For the fourth quarter launch of 10 web-patrones and expansion of Vidy data base is planned. Plus, the platform will take 100 best advertisers to work with the project.
The first quarter of 2019 will show the launch of the platform V1. The full monitoring panel will be released. Also the NLP consensus level will be edited and released. About 1 million publisher’s sites will be indexed into the platform.
In the second quarter of 2019 designers plan to launch Miner-driven protocol and index more than 10 million sites.
The information about the road map is quite understandable and draws attention. Considering the fact that the team tells users about every step the trust raises more and more.
In the conclusion, I will share some ideas about the innovative platform.
First of all, the project attracted me with its approach of advertising placement. As it turned out to be, Vidy analyzes hundreds of site pages in order to make sure they match the NLP protocol. A blockchain in its turn lets users forget about fear of losing personal data. Video will be placed in the online mode by a miner due to smart-contracts and layers, which also keep users’ data. All the process eventually leads to advertising that based on individual preferences of every user.
Secondly, the access procedure to a special bar is quite interesting. Advertisers have to pay a certain price set by Vidy to get access. Every tariff has its own limitations and options. Watching the video advertisement is paid by crypto currency. The more videos are watched, the more money users get.
One more advantage is a solution of problem of annoying advertising. Quite interesting system of layers, which are hidden behind the text, can become a brand-new tool in the world of advertising. So stay tuned and follow Vidy.
Official links to the Vidy project:
Website: https://www.vidy.com/
Whitepaper: https://vidy.com/whitepaper
Telegram: https://t.me/VidyCoin
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/vidycoin
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4513155.msg40635736#msg40635736
Telegram: https://t.me/Dima0785
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1839798
ETH: 0xF1d66A7fa0331784325a9B1F8f8d4a9b02a55308
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