As you know if you’ve been following our posts on Facebook or Twitter, eHealth First is an IT platform for personalized health management. The platform, the product of joint collaboration between healthcare professionals and computing experts, is built with full integration of the blockchain and advanced AI algorithms.
At the center of the eHealth project are two software products:
The first is a user-friendly and personalized mobile application and web portal meant to be used by the general public. When the user initially registers, they will undergo preliminary diagnostic screening by answering a number of questions, carefully chosen based on the principles of evidence based medicine.
The application will be able to indicate and track the basic indicators of health, such as biological age, frailty index, and assessment of various body systems. The user will receive a list of recommendations from the system — as well as offers for additional diagnostics, laboratory tests, and medical consultations — based on the screening.
The second application is an open IT platform, built for health professionals. At its core, the platform is a database — a “knowledgebase” — and analytical system for biomedicine and related specialties. The database will be constantly updated semi-automatically with knowledge regarding pathological aging processes and bio-medical anti-aging interventions. The source of this information will include the Pubmed/MEDLINE system.
The open IT platform will be presented in the form of a scalable information system, providing tools for searching and analyzing the most relevant scientific information on any biomedical issue in the field of longevity. Among the tools that the platform utilises to improve this analysis are natural language processing and neural networks.
Users of the platform will be able to create individual collections of materials, and subscribe so as to receive updates on information that is of interest to them. Initially, the system will be managed by an expert moderator, who will select the most suitable data and standardize its presentation to users, but eventually the entire process will be automated.
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