- link to this check result for uniqueness, 100%.
Of course, we also need high-quality technological solutions. Just antivirus, even the paid version, is not a guarantee of your security. So today I will introduce you to a project that is going to change the paradigm of protecting your data and assets on the Internet. This project is called Cloudbric.
Cloudbric is an innovative blockchain system that manages a common database of existing threats on the Internet. Threats include viruses, Trojans, phishing, spyware, and so on. The platform will deal with them through the mechanism of centralization. For example, if the computer of a normal user appeared unwanted software Cloudbric immediately eliminate the threat and make that threat in a single database. The user, in turn, will receive a premium reward. The project is ready BETA version of the product and by the way it is actively used by more than 10 000 users.
An important feature of Cloudbric Is that the developers have created and implemented a reliable technology of artificial intelligence, which gives the system itself to learn and adapt to any changes in the field of IT and the Internet. In addition, Cloudbric has mechanisms for machine learning. Thanks to a convenient tool called Vision, an ordinary user can easily and clearly work with the platform. Anyone will be able to train her without spending their own precious time. Cloudbric's deep is another platform mechanism by which you can change the security level of your system.
For the operation of the system, all active users receive platform tokens (CLB). For example, they can be spent on additional services and program packages. In addition, the owners of the token will receive a dividend of the company Cloudbric, due to affiliate programs. This is an exclusive opportunity for holders.
- computers, smartphones;
- web site;
- server-side;
- wearable devices / IoT;
- exchanges, wallets.
Some categories will be able to use the product for free. You can pay only for additional services and options. Many investors and large funds have already paid attention to this project, so I have no doubt about the prospects and relevance of this project and products in General. I advise everyone to look after him and of course, to take part. Thank you for your attention!
More information can be found at these links:
author: cryptomanspbmgdn;u=1888190
@nikolayselezhnev cybersecurity will reach a new level
@nikolayselezhnev Please tell me, what is the minimum token purchase?
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@nikolayselezhnev Of course, we also need high-quality technological solutions