ICO Arcona
What means Arcona and goal creature?
It’s ecosystem. It’s universal program which unites virtual, real worlds. It’s a reality space. Also, I can say that it’s a platform for artists, enthusiasts, businessman where they can create joint work, different projects.
Creating of this ecosystem based on technological Arcona’s platform.
For reduce costs, project management, remote management, positioning developers created this program. Use this popular program all people can govern own projects even if they in another country or city.
Advantages of Arcona’s ecosystem:
• this program can automatically generate augmented reality layer;
• it can work and generates everywhere;
• it supports many applications.
For example, Arcona’s ecosystem supports applications of tourist attractions, games, educational projects, historical reviews, and others.
A goal of creating Arcona’s system is to make such technology which will be a popular, accessible, mass.
The Arcona’s system creates for remote management and positioning. For example, I can install a program in Amsterdam and remote management at the same time in Dubai.
This program unites 3D-modeling, chain principle, augmented reality technology, artificial intelligence, GIS.
I think that its popular program is a good platform for new projects of developers. Use this platform they can test and market new solutions.
Businessmen have a nice opportunity for earning money. Also, they can use program for promotion of projects.
I think that for users the advantage of Arcona’s system is compatibility with mobile devices. Users can receive access to last developments of this program.
In this program used blockchain technology. This technology can quickly expand the ecosystem. It's happening because so many holders of tokens are interested in filling a platform with content.
All participants of Arcona’s can rent, buy digital land. Also, they can create own projects. Using digital land they can demonstrate results of own creative work.
The advantage of Arcona’s system in additional property rights guarantee all landowners. Many artists also can be calm and protected because they can don’t worry about copyrights.
In this program, all transactions are transparent and reliable.
About Token
I think that Arcona’s ecosystem is a wonderful decision for a guarantee of a copyright of artists. Use this program I sure that all transactions are transparent.
Author (BTT username): VadimSen
I'm in social networks: Twitter | Facebook
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