Hey friends,choosing a career is really a confusing thing in most of our life.No doubt we are talented and full of potential but being confused for our career stops our growth.
We have to spend most of our time in our career,but when we didnt enjoy it,we are filled with regrets and guilts, so today I am going to say you an awesome formula to choose your career,and open the veil of right career for you.
So,the formula is SNP
First collect the career you want to go
Suppose you want to became a blogger, teacher, Lawyer and a journalist.
And you are confused by these four careers so now its time to use SNP formula.
First one is satisfaction,we have to give marks to all theae careers in which you are satisfied. Its important because without satisfaction,you are not going to enjoy your work.
So suppose you give
Blogger-6 marks
Teacher-8 marks
Lawyer-7 marks
journalism-6 marks
now lets go to N,it means need of the market,we have to access that which career is needed in market, if there is not demand of our career in the market, you cant make it in a professional career. So,you have to give marks to our choosen option according to there need in the market.
Blogger-7 marks(total-13)
teacher-9 marks(total-17)
Lawyer-7 marks(total-14)
Journalism-8 marks(total-14)
Friends, I am giving this marks according to me, you have decide this marking according to our research and experience.
Now,the 3rd part is profitability, we need money till from our birth to death, and if you have choosen a career which will not give you profitability, we will be bound to leave that career.
So, now you have to give marking according to profitability.
teacher-6 (total-23)
Lawyer-8 (total-22)
Journalism-7 (total-21)
So, the winner is Teacher and a better career choice is teaching career.
By choosing this formula of SNP (Satisfaction, Need, Profitability) we will not be confused in your career path.
Sometimes we think that this career will give me more money and lets start this job it is the need of market,but when we dont enjoy the work, we have regrets, but this formula will give you a clear solution to our problem, you can use its in business also by deciding the correct market to choose, in jobs, in professions anything.
So,dont forget to use this easy formula while choosing your career path
also dont forget to give your votes and sharing.
Thanks for your precious time
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