That's right! You can actually make a significant amount of money playing Steem Monsters!
The developers have done everything they can to make sure this game is profitable to play and so far it has been a massive success.
You can get your friends to sign up using your referral and make $ off of every single one of the booster packs they buy! FOREVER!
My wife @munkiioh just scored these cards in her daily reward! These cards will NOT be printed forever either, so if you want them you better start playing now!
The market prices on these reward cards are a little low right now, so it's also a good time to buy some extras and max your stuff out fast!
That's just ONE way to make money! I recently started running POKER TOURNAMENTS on NoLimitCoin Poker! and giving away GOLD STEEM MONSTERS!
Here's how you win.
Step 1. Sign up and/or Login to NoLimitCoin Poker!
Step 2. Join my CHILL Discord Server
Step 3. Tag me (@crystalhuman) in the channel #steem-monsters-poker, & leave a comment with your username on NoLimitCoin Poker, and your STEEM username so I can register you into my poker games.
Step 4. Wait for me to announce the game details, join the match, play!
(Each match will be announced 4-8 hours in advance.)
Step 5. WIN!
Ваш пост поддержали следующие Инвесторы Сообщества "Добрый кит":
oleg257, evgeniybb, ezavarov, doublingseason, necrogenesis, decha
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