Canada is a big country. The flight from Toronto to Edmonton takes four hours.
Can you imagine how long would it take with this vehicle?
And they came. Brave men and women. Around 1846. Give or take. Tip a hat for those guys.
They just bring tools and first they built a wooden fortress.
This is a view from the outside of the fort.
This is the courtyard behind high walls.
With high watchtower to spot the intruders on time.
It looks like master bedroom to me. It's located in the main building. Maybe it belonged to the warden.
This is a typical room of some kind of craftsman on the ground level.
Look at this masterpiece of a chair.
These animals played a crucial role in the life of new settlers. I'm sure they take good care of them.
That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Stay tuned for more.
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