Cefalu is a beautiful city on the north coast of Sicily. Palermo is only about 70 km.
The inhabitants mainly live on tourism and services. Other sources of income are agriculture and fisheries.
The city has been characterized by many cultures in the last centuries, making it so unique.
There were Romans from 254 BC ... under their rule the city was called Cephaloedium.Translated it means head or head and refers to the form of Rocca di Cefalù, on which the settlement originally lay.
Around 858 AD the city was conquered by the Arabs and in 1063 by the Normans. Under Roger II of Sicily, the town's core has been moved to the foot of the limestone rock. This panorama fascinates me every time. In the 12th century, Cefalù experienced its heyday, during which period, among other things, the city's cathedral was built But in Cefalu I am always fascinated again with the city life, architecture, panorama, etc. I wish you a lot of fun with the pictures which hopefully give you an impression of how beautiful it is there.
Original Content and Pictures
By Germanlifestyle
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