И сделайте golos.id больше для большего количества языков, таких как китайский, арабский и испанский! Приглашайте больше пользователей под эгидой Русского Интеллектуального Наставничества!
And make golos.id more for more languages like Chinese Arabic and Spanish! Invite more users under the umbrella of Russian Intellectual Guidance!
And the frontend UI is just so beautiful for swaps!
But it COULD be updated to be more DARKMODE
If we had golos.id look more like goldvoice.club again, oh we could make golos much mroe popular
MAKE GOLOS an INTERNATIONAL site with language options for Chinese Arabic, SPanish and watch Golos become a great alternative to Western controlled crypto organizations and back it with Alcor.exchange by @avral @avralpro
Buying GOLOS with YMHIVE again!
Golosjust needs a new DARKER front end that looks more like https://snipverse.com
@avral of https://alcor.exchange has used his DPOS golosid skills to create the BEST and sometimes ONLY dex for Telos Wax EOS and Proton!
Just have to make golos.id look DARKER and in a style like https://snipverse.com
Snipverse STAKING page is BEAUTIFUL in a celestial punk candycore dark chiaroscuro style
and the grand finale, my 93Million ($900+ ) staked SNIPVERSE account!
I DO like the new logo! very minimal and dark!
IN CONCLUSION: make Golos.id more dark UI, and add more languages like spanish chinese arabic and invite more global users to develop dapps and content under the umbrella of Russian Intellectual Guidance!