fuente: http://annmariebone.deviantart.com/
Hello dear friends of the voice, thank you very much for supporting my work, surfing the web I cross with this beautiful legend of Guaraní origin, it is believed that it is inspired in the plant of Isipó, in Guarani language means hand of mother of water, A beautiful story that begins like this.
In the land without evil of the Guarani to the side of the Paraná River settled a community of Guarani Indians, they comment the ansansos before the arrival of the spring every year many indigenous people die by the enchantment of the water goddess Yara, is a Beautiful woman with sculptural body, which makes her the main attraction, has a soft and calm voice, just talking to the man falls down at his feet, hardly a man can resist the charm of Yara.
The mother of water as it is known, chooses the man who wants to love, is very much in love is constantly thinking of the pleasure that causes a man in his being, is very common to find it in the river, the estuaries or lagoons, usually places Few crowded, only appears if the man is alone, if other people do not let himself be seen.
They say that they have seen her emerge from the bottom of the water, as if she were a mermaid without a tail, she is very beautiful, the man who sees her can not resist, she is not allowed to touch, she handles the situation, she does what she wishes , Once sated his pleasure disappears from nowhere in the waters from which he came, the man who kept in touch with her is bewitched with love, hardly see her again, there is no record of someone who has seen her twice.
In the village when spring arrives, usually young men suffer from a strange evil, begin with reluctance and decay to fall into a deep depression and finally die, the wizards seeing these symptoms in young people no longer give much hope, no one Who has had contact with Yara manages to live, everyone dies for love.
Yara the water goddess is well known in the villages, the little children fear her, they do not want to go to bathe in the lagoon for fear of an encounter with the mother of the waters, they think she is an ugly and evil witch, however , Already developed men dream with an encounter with the beautiful woman, having well in clear those that happens to the man who loves it.
The men of the village anxiously await the arrival of spring, they dream of the beautiful woman, they want to contemplate their beauty and because they do not receive their love and satiate their pleasure.
Indigenous swimmers, fishermen or hunters who walk alone in the mountains are the target of the lady, they know the legend and they are in search of that fleeting encounter, they are fervent servants, capable of receiving death so as to have a minute of pleasure With the beautiful woman, there is no woman who can compare with the pleasure granted by the goddess Yara.
The men are anxious trying to have a meeting and believe they are capable of falling in love with the woman, it is said that if a man succeeds in falling in love with Yara, nothing bad happens, for this reason the rude, masculine and vain men are lurking in the encounter to prove His dexterity in love, considering himself competent to love Yara.
She is a seduction professional, to hypnotize her victims, she first shows herself as she came into the world, exposes all her beautiful nakedness at a prudential distance, then disappears, appears again closer, that is her seduction game when she is in the Water, there are times when she is attracted to a hunter in the field, she appears near the hunter, she reveals all her nakedness, she runs off and enters the forest, like a gazelle in heat.
Yara the mother of water an inexhaustible source of sensuality, once seduced and satiated her sexual desire, like a spider, insect trapped in his cloth ends devoured, or as the finished mamboretá sex is devoured by his female, the seductive mother Of the water does not end in the act with its victim, for not having control of its acts condemns them to die slowly by love.
Fuente: http://lalunadeerin.blogspot.com.ar/2013_09_01_archive.html
Fuente: http://corrientesesasi.webcindario.com/ley_isi.html
José Luis
Corrientes Argentina