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I am sure that most people who use crypto currencies these days appreciate such a feature as privacy and anonymity. And maybe someone uses them at all solely due to this factor. Indeed, in order to create a wallet, we do not need to specify any data about yourself – no phone, no email, or even first and last name, not to mention passport data. They do not need to write a nickname for identification, which could indirectly indicate our identity and allow us to link our transactions together.
This is definitely a plus of digital currency. But not for everyone! Large companies and enterprises, especially in such countries with strict state regulation as the United States, would like to use crypto currencies in their activities, but they are afraid of their secrecy and privacy. Such firms need to submit accounting and tax reports, and the fact of using crypto currencies will look like an attempt to hide their financial transactions from regulatory authorities.
Sometimes even for private people becomes a problem of excessive confidentiality of crypto currencies. For example, you want to make a deal with a person on the Internet and have to send him money in crypto currency, and it is logical that you will have concerns if the only thing you know about this person is a 16-or 32-digit set of numbers and letters in upper and lower case.
Solution from Skelpy
But the blockchain startup, which I want to tell you about, aims to solve this problem. The creators of Skelpy want to create a crypto currency that will combine the anonymity and privacy of ordinary modern digital coins and at the same time will have a high level of trust and openness.
This scenario will be implemented by creating three types of wallets in the Skelpy ecosystem – identified, private and solo. Each user Skelpy can optionally pass through a series of audits, including KYC (standard banking and personal data), AML (information for the prevention of money laundering) and CTF (provision of information confirming the absence of the resident, relations with the financing of international terrorism). After passing these checks and confirmation of the information provided by the Skelpy system and a number of specialists, the wallet will receive the status of public and identified, and everyone who wants to send a transaction to it will see information about the recipient. This achieves the level of trust that is now so lacking in the crypto world.
But in addition, even the owners of identified wallets will be able to create a private wallet without disclosing information and use it for personal purposes, while the public one, for example, can be used for corporate payments, for which you can therefore report to the tax or accounting Department of your company.
These wallets will be implemented in three types – a version for personal computers, a web version that can be used on mobile phones and on a PC, as well as in the form of a special Skelpy client, which will have a number of additional functions. All of these wallets are already working, and you can check them out on Skelpy's official website and even audit their source code on GitHub.
The Skelpy blockchain has already been developed and even tested in the test network, and at the moment the main network is being prepared for launch and funding in the form of an ICO, after which the development of other additional tools in the Skelpy ecosystem will begin.
Link to the website - https://www.skelpy.co
Group in Telegram - https://t.me/SkelpyCoin
Official FORUM - https://forum.skelpy.co
Official Twitter - https://twitter.com/SkelpyCoin
Whitepaper - https://www.skelpy.co/pdf/whitepaper/Skelpy_whitepaper_en.pdf
The theme of the project on the forum is - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5054189.0
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