The #SOCKETSHARES Company is a team of professional #traders that has been present on the cryptocurrency market for more than 3 years.
We profit off by purchasing or selling the most popular cryptocurrency – Bitcoin. It attracts the attention of all banking authorities in the world and its technology is considered to be implemented in their work.
How we work:
We buy Bitcoins in large parcels from mining pools and sell these coins on stock exchanges.
On average, we get 1.5% of each transaction, and we have the opportunity to share it with our partners.
During the company’s operation we have gained a lot of partners and bid proposals have been growing steadily, that is why we have decided to expand our business.
We are ready to share profits with our investors and pay them a percentage of the transactions.
You can become our official representative (Agent) in your region and get up to 13% of the investment you raise on the 3 level on the SOCKETSHARES Company.
You need rich career status AGENT.
Also you will get career opportunities and the chance to become one of our experts. See more information in opportunities.
What is our secret of success, you may ask? There is no secret!
We are successful because of the 100% devotion to our work. We see the prospects and opportunities for the development of highly liquid cryptocurrency trade and we are ready to share the results with you.
Making money with us on the cryptocurrency market is easy even without experience. From now on, your money will work for you. We are waiting for you in the SOCKETSHARES Company.
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