We will be paying out dividends on 100% of the trading fees collected this week, five times more than the normal payout, as a way to make up for the inconvenience of the Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash wallet issues.
Here is what you're getting 100 percent of, based on the number of TQS shares you hold.
currency | balance |
SBD | 9.66660145 |
GOLOS | 1.59944421 |
ETH | 1.14027377 |
LTC | 1.83846878 |
XAU | 5.75106409 |
BTC | 0.03554073 |
MXN | 72.26882483 |
VTR | 0.44195272 |
USD | 28.87772138 |
XWANG | 0.51220977 |
vGX | 0.04086278 |
VIVA CROWNS | 0.05085216 |
TRAIL | 0.01024538 |
TQS | 1.33234262 |
STEEM | 53.24512788 |
VIVA | 105.29523557 |
BCH | 0.00025739 |
To figure out how much of each asset you get, simply divide the number of TQS shares you hold by 32354.461 (the number of outstanding TQS shares), then multiply the result by the amount of each currency listed above.
If math isn't your thing, simply log in to your Tradeqwik account tomorrow and you can see exactly how much of each asset you got listed in your deposit history.
Fixing the Bitcoin deposit and withdrawal process necessitated a complete syncing of the block chain, which is currently still underway. As you may know, Bitcoin's block chain dates all the way back to 2009!
Many of you needed help from Enrique over the past few weeks to either correct your VIP balance or push through a BTC or BCH transaction. Enrique deserves a medal!
And he's about to get some help. Tradeqwik will be expanding its customer support staff beginning tomorrow.
"I value customer support more than any other aspect of the business, because I spent my earliest working years doing direct customer service and support and I know what it's like to be on both sides of the equation," said William Banks, CEO of Tradeqwik. "As we move towards our final goals with TQ we expect exponential growth in terms of volume and will need many more considerate, empathetic support personnel. I have a personal goal of having the average ticket lifetime be 30 mins or less for 99.9% of issues."
And you know what happens when we meet goals at Tradeqwik: we celebrate!
If you enjoy helping people and are familiar with how Tradeqwik works then please reach out to Enrique on Discord to find out how to apply.
Stay tuned for more updates. They are starting to come more quickly again. In the mean time, enjoy those dividends!
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