Tradeqwik successfully paid its first TQS dividend without needing to take the site offline for maintenance. Little by little, we are able to take care of more and more back end updates without having to interrupt trading.
We are still resolving some issues with individual users' VIP account balances not being accurate. We are having to audit each account and correct the balance. The good news is that we've almost gotten through all the accounts. The really great news is that we've been able to resolve the core issue so that this shouldn't happen again when the next set of Treasury Rights convert to VIP.
When the Bitcoin fork first happened it looked like it was a cinch to have both BTC and BCH wallets running on our exchange. It's turned out to be more problematic than expected. We're still sorting that one out, but making progress. Fortunately, yet again, we're able to address this problem and still keep Tradeqwik online. If you are missing Rubber Ducky, well, sorry to say, he's going to be a lot more scarce from here on out.
We paid out five times the normal dividend payout in part to celebrate the fact that we can do this while you all are happily trading, as well as to acknowledge the inconvenience some of these recent issues have caused. We so appreciate your support and patience while we continue to work through them.
If your account is still affected by these or any other issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through our Discord channel. We're here for you!
In other news, the VIVA Peg is now at $7.02 and will be there for the next week as it heads towards its target peg of $10.
We now have 935 registered Tradeqwik customers!
Has anyone noticed the price of Bitcoin is way up again? It's climbing so quickly and bringing other coins up with it that sometimes it's tough to maintain market orders allowing you all to buy VIVA with any of the other coins Tradeqwik supports. If you'd like to buy VIVA but don't see it for sale at the right price, simply place your limit order and then head over to Discord and let Joe or Rick know about your order and they'll help you out. We're working on automating this process, but in the mean time, we're more than happy to help you buy your VIVA!
We're really close to announcing our logo contest winner. We're just finalizing a few things. Stay tuned!
And last but not least, here is the breakdown of all the trading fees generated in the last week which contributed to today's TQS dividend.
currency | balance |
BCH | 0.00028864 |
bitUSD | 0.00000000 |
BTC | 0.00116109 |
DASH | 0.00000000 |
DOGE | 0.00000000 |
ETH | 1.27276262 |
EUR | 0.00000000 |
GBG | 0.00000000 |
GBP | 0.00000000 |
GOLOS | 0.00000000 |
LTC | 0.11362183 |
MXN | 64.78310593 |
RUB | 0.00000000 |
SBD | 14.40071897 |
STEEM | 54.33070143 |
TQS | 0.45674892 |
TRAIL | 0.00000000 |
UAH | 0.00000000 |
USD | 2.53714222 |
vGX | 0.00000000 |
VIP | 0.00000000 |
VIVA | 39.55527550 |
VIVA CROWNS | 0.00351000 |
VTR | 0.10500000 |
XAU | 0.00105000 |
XWANG | 0.50724000 |
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