Selamat Sore all that is in the whole of the world especially, and all around the world in general, and peace be upon you all that Allah SWT limpahkan or give his favor to us, so until now we are still given opportunity by Allah SWT to squeeze fresh air, despite the hustle and bustle of the world, and hopefully we can pass through it and for the future we always use our age in a place that is ridhai of Allah SWT. Amin .........
So on this occasion I tried to elaborate on the "At the End of the Age of Destruction of the Shalehs & the Dismissal of Islam, the Lost of the Al-Qur'an on the Face of the Earth", it means to tell us all the events and atmosphere of the end times, and its contents which I have read in various media, and books related to the State of Humanity at the End of the Age, and also following the studies of the followers of our prophet's prophet Muhammad SAW. So I On this occasion I discussed a bit of an explanation about "At the End of the Destructive Times of the Shaleh & Removed Islam, The Lost Earth of the Qur'an"
AFTER Islam spread so much across the east and west, Islam is again dim, evolving evils, this great religion and the Qur'an is lost, science is gone, and God takes away the lives of those whose soul there is still faith. Thus, there is nothing left in the earth except the worst creatures, and for them the end.
Ibn Majah and al-Hakim narrated from Hudzaifah bin al-Yaman that the Messenger of Allah said, "Islam is wiped out like the loss of the color of clothes, until it is unknown what is fasting, what is prayer, pilgrimage and alms. Kitabullah was destroyed in one night until there was not a single verse left, and the rest were grandparents and grandmothers who said, 'We see our parents say laa ilaaha illallah, so we say it.' "
The remaining people are not aware of Islam except the lost monotheistic sentence. In Sahih Muslim narrated from Abdullah ibn Mas'ud that the Prophet said, "Doomsday does not happen except for the most evil people."
In another hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained to us how the shaleh people were lost in the last days. In the hadith narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said, "God sends the wind from Yemen, softer than silk. The wind drops the life of every man in his heart that there is faith as much as atom. "
From Anas narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "There will be no ruin until the earth God is not mentioned again 'Allah'."
In Sahih Muslim was delivered from an-Nawwas bin Sam'an, "When they are in such a state, God sends a cool wind, passes under their underarms, deprives every believer and Muslim, so that the wicked will be happy as a donkey. On them is the end. "
Bukhari narrated with the chain of Mardas al-Aslami RA that the Messenger of Allah said, "The shaleh people will be lost one by one, so that the people of the land will be like rubbish and palm waste, and Allah will not ignore them."
Among the examples of the eradication of Islam then was the breakdown of pilgrimage. There is no more hajj and umrah. In the Musnad Abu Ya'la and Mustadrak al-Hakim narrated with the sanad of shahih from Abu Sais RA that the Messenger of Allah said, "Doomsday will not happen until Mecca is no longer visited for Hajj."
There is no doubt that this happened after the cold wind blazed and deprived the lives of shalehs. Before that, the pilgrimage continued. In Sahih al-Bukahri narrated from Abu Said al-Khudri that Rasulullah SAW said, "This mosque will be visited for pilgrimage and umrah after the exit of Ya'juz and Ma'juz."
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