Good evening everyone who has joined GOLOS. This afternoon I was very happy and very happy, because I had registered and confirmed as a member of the Golos family, which means that I can share with all my friends here, and also I have been given a golos password, I I have arrived via e-mail because I personally want to introduce myself here. before I introduce myself, I would like to thank the Golos platform team for giving me the opportunity to join here. I will make you happy here, later I will share with you all here,
What happens to everyone for the present?
The world today is very much changing, and there is a lot of progress that we are seeing today.
After persuading me a little, they finally managed to create an account here, and today I can join here. I see this Some of my favorite people in my country have joined here, so I'm also excited about this, and maybe I'll see some new people I don't know!
For those of you who don't know me yet, here are a few
Information about me ...
Hello everyone on
Good afternoon everyone.
Nice to meet you all.
How is your situation on the first day of 2019, it seems that in my place today the weather is very bright, I hope you are always healthy and can do activities as usual, I want to try introducing myself:
my name is NURDIN and my golos account name is @nurdinnakaturi
I just joined today, actually I want to post first before I introduce myself, but a friend said that it is better that I introduce myself first, so that later I will be known to everyone, just remember we have to introduce ourselves , for that I try to introduce myself to this
And I want to introduce myself.
Who am I now and who will I be?
My name is NURDIN, my nickname is DIN, and while nakaturi is the name I like the most, because I know my environment, so I want to name @nurdinnkaturi
I work somewhere in the area where I live too, I live in North Aceh, precisely in the village of Blang Raleu, sub-district of North Aceh Regency, so I began studying in the world of Golos on this happy day, namely on January 1, 2019, precisely in the first day of the new year, a story like this one day I sat in a friend's shop, which again wondered about the uncertain life story. suddenly the friend arrived a little longer in my waki and then he started telling me about his personality, why he could tell me, because he thought I had known the internet for a long time, but I had never heard of this GOLOS IO.
I am 30 years old.
I live in the town of Lhokseumawe located in North Aceh, if people generally know in Indonesia, because the word Indonesian is still very common, so everyone knows where it is Indonesia.
This is a relatively large city in North Aceh. and the city of Lhoksemawe is a famous parent city in North Aceh. Many foreigners visit Lhokseumwe because they have many famous places (for example, reservoirs, hills, beautiful beaches and so on).
I live with my wife, and I also have no children, because I just got married, so I have not been blessed by God, and I still live in my mother's house, in my mother's family my mother has a brother and two girls.
And I use most of my spear time in Social Networking.
Whatever, especially calming the brain and getting general knowledge ... And I have a special interest in surfing and I am also an operator in my school.
And thank you very much.
This is my post and follow me, and I will follow you again.
And teach me about that, because I have never experienced GOLOS.IO.
I like
That's all I can say for this afternoon about my introduction to this golos, hopefully after I join here it will be better for the future. Hopefully this will be a reading material for all of us. and hopefully it will be useful for me in particular and all readers in general, I want to share the health knowledge that I have. I do this because I want my friends here to know a healthy way of life. and I also want to share some photos. Taking photos is my new hobby. That's all I can say, I hope you are all here, and I hope I can make you happy here.
And here are some photos of my hobbies when walking with friends
When Going to Langsa Aceh Mangrove Forest, World-scale Nature Tourism
When going to the Termite Waterfall in North Aceh, people are more familiar with the Nature Tourism Blang Waterfall, this waterfall is the latest discovery when I went there, and the place is still very simple
When going to Takengon City, or better known as the cold city, and here are also very many recreational places ..
Takengon is the capital of Central Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Takengon is located on the side of Lake Lut Tawar district of Lut Tawar in the middle of the province of Aceh. Takengon is a cool airy plateau with an altitude of about 1200 m above sea level. Around Takengon there are many tourist attractions, including Lut Tawar Lake in Lut Tawar sub-district, Bebesen sub-district and Kebayakan sub-district, Gua Puteri Pukes in Kebayakan sub-district and Pantan Terong in Bebesen sub-district.
Takengon residents consist of various ethnic and ethnic groups. The majority of the residents of Takengon are Acehnese. In addition, there are also many other tribes such as Javanese, Acehnese, Minangkabau and Chinese. The Acehnese are native to Takengon.
Traveled to Banda Aceh City
When going to the city of Banda Aceh, when we want to surround and see our grandmother's dream house, or our symbol, Aceh's house, and here are also very many recreational places.
Banda Aceh as the capital of the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate was established in the 14th century. The Aceh Darussalam Sultanate was built on the ruins of Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms that had existed before, such as the Indra Purba Kingdom, Indra Purwa Kingdom, Indra Patra Kingdom, and Indrapura Kingdom (Indrapuri). From the tombstone of Sultan Firman Syah, one of the sultans who had ruled the Sultanate of Aceh, information was obtained that the Sultanate of Aceh had its capital in Kutaraja (Banda Aceh). (H. Mohammad Said a, 1981: 157).
The emergence of the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate whose capital city in Banda Aceh is inseparable from the existence of the Kingdom of Islamic Lamuri. At the end of the 15th century, with the establishment of a good relationship with the neighboring kingdom, the center of the throne of the Kingdom of Lamuri was transferred to Meukuta Alam. [4] The location of the Meukuta Alam palace is in the Banda Aceh region.
Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah ruled the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate whose capital city was in Banda Aceh, only for 10 years. According to the inscriptions found from the tombstone of Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah, the first leader of the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate died at 12 Dhulhijah in 936 Hijri or coincided with the 7th of August 1530 AD. Although the reign of Sultan Mughayat Syah was relatively short, he succeeded in building Banda Aceh as the center of Islamic civilization in Southeast Asia. At this time, Banda Aceh had evolved into one of the central defense cities that helped secure the maritime trade route and the traffic of pilgrims from piracy carried out by the Portuguese fleet.
During the time of Sultan Iskandar Muda, Banda Aceh grew back as the center of maritime trade, especially for pepper commodities which at that time were very high demand from Europe. Iskandar Muda makes Banda Aceh a world park, which starts from the palace complex. The Aceh Sultanate palace complex was also named Darud Dunya (World Park).
During the second period of Dutch aggression, a massive evacuation of Acehnese troops emerged from Banda Aceh which was later celebrated by Van Swieten by proclaiming the fall of the Aceh sultanate and changing the name Banda Aceh to Kuta Raja. After entering into the lap of the Government of the new Republic of Indonesia since 28 December 1962 the name of the city was again replaced by Banda Aceh based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Administration and Regional Autonomy dated May 9, 1963. Dec 52/1 / 43-43
Only this can I say less, sorry, if in this paper there are some similarities, both in terms of writing, and in terms of photogrphy, or there are my words that are not understood, for that I apologize profusely to All You, because this is my first time joining, therefore I need advice and direction in creating this blog so that there will be improvements for the future.
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thank you for the information, I'm still new here, so please point anything I don't understand
hi there, welcome to Golos!
ok, thankyou
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thankyou to informations